The Benefit of being treated with Suspicion or like a Criminal

In the wake of the Trayvon Martin Trial, many are now beginning to take a good hard look at themselves.  Whether it is those of the Black Community, the White Community, Hispanic Community, Asian Community, Gay and Lesbian Community, Religious Right and Left Community or any other community which seeks to survive and thrive in these United States of America.  We look at ourselves in order to discovery if we have done as much as we can to erase all bias and prejudice.  Some have little work to do but the majority of us have a whole lot of work ahead of us.

When we speak of racism, bias or prejudice, we need to know that it is not particular to one race or another and surprisingly it is directed at not only those outside of our own race but within just as well.  If we are to eradicate hate, it has got to happen not only toward those who are of a different skin color but those whose pigmentation resembles our own.

Take for example, two prominent gentlemen who are often featured on television shows and even have an audience of their own.  I speak of Mr. Tavis Smiley and Professor Cornell West.  Both these well-respected gentlemen have not been silent when it comes to their opinion of our president and the job he has done.  Both have been heard saying that he has not done enough for the Black community even after being reminded of the things he has done.   Their rationale is that he promised and therefore we must keep his feet to the fire to deliver.  While they do have a point, my issue with them is failing to acknowledge his limitations or accomplishments resulting in the feeling that he will never do enough to suit them.  I first thought it was because they were just bitter but now after listening to them speak more, I think it grows out of a different reason.  I believe that it is not really about President Obama but the circumstances of his birth.  I am of the opinion that the color of his parents are the main reason, these two gentlemen and many others, like Rush Limbaugh, will never be satisfied no matter what he does, but this is a blessing in disguise.

Being watched as you enter a business, seeing the reactions of people as you approach, being dismissed before you even open your mouth, being asked if you have any drugs as you enter a club, being followed in your car if you are driving in a particular neighborhood, seeing homeowners looking out their window and jumping back when you spot them as if you didn’t see them or having a group of parents gathering up their kids and quickly leaving the playground as you arrive with yours.  These and so many other things are a bias deeply buried and is beneficial as well.

I remember taking my children bowling and getting assigned a particular lane next to another family.  We all spoke to them but did not get much of a response.  That was tolerable until it was noticed that each time my daughter accidently touched the bowling ball that their child was using, the mother had to wipe it off before her daughter would be allowed to touch it.  This provided the perfect opportunity to teach my children about dealing with hate, prejudice, bias and ignorance.  It was beneficial.

The benefits of being treated like this, just in case you haven’t figured it out, are it allows us to prove that this disease does exist and it is not just in our minds.  It allows us to teach our children how to properly address this and all other affronts without the use of violence.  It allows our children to know what hate feels like so that they may think twice about hating another and it makes us work that much harder at everything we do to prove we are not what “they” say we are.  Since we are already underestimated because of skin color, the surprise and shock on the faces of many when we not only meet expectations but exceeds them is priceless.  We benefit because we work to make sure that we treat others better than the treatment we sometimes receive and that translate to better and more meaningful relationships than those who only cater to those identical to them.  We benefit because by treating others with the kind of respect and dignity that we deserve but often do not see, we extend our pool of “true” friends and not the fair weather kind.

The pain of those prejudice actions of others is more painful than you will ever realize and for some it can be devastating but if you take a few minutes to think about it, allow God to avenge the wrong and pity them instead of hating them, you will begin to see the benefits of their actions.  Their actions are a contagious disease but it is not fatal and is curable with a little bit of compassion and common sense.  The benefits of being treated like a criminal or someone to be suspicious of far outweigh the pleasure derived from acting like you are better than.   Spending all that time and effort seeing just how special you think you are only blinds you to just how truly imperfect you really are.


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