Could Egypt’s new Found Unrest be American Engineered?

I ask this question because of the recent news accounts of the current unrest going on in Egypt. Many are blaming the Obama Administration and while they may be right, I believe that there may be another explanation which no one is reporting.


Take for example my time line.  John McCain and Lindsey Graham were both in Egypt prior to the recent charge made by Egyptian Police and this curfew put in place by the Egyptian military.  History tells us that these two men, among others, have always been more about saber rattling than diplomacy.  Both have made it an art form to shoot first and ask questions later.  Could this unrest be the result of them sent to ease transition but placing an American burr under the saddle instead?


It is reported that the Vice President of Egypt has resigned over the actions not being diplomatic but forceful instead.  He believed, as those in the President Cabinet believed, that a peaceful solution could be reached without violence but lo and behold, violence was the call of the day and the two main players who were sent from our side of the equation were two who never met a war or war-like scenes that they didn’t like.


The McCain and Graham Peace Keeping Force have also been known to go “rouge” when out from under the watchful eye of the cameras and push their own agenda whenever possible.  Could they have left the United States with one charge, landed in Egypt with another then practiced and deployed their own leaving?  Only truly God knows but like everything else, time will tell.


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