Fox News and the New GOP get their Talking Points from MSNBC

At first I did not wish to see something that has occurred to me as being so obvious.  Fox News and the new GOP do get their talking points from MSNBC.  Media had me believing at first that GOP talking points were created by the Heritage Foundation, Howard Lutz or other Koch Brothers financially backed groups but the more and more I listen to the points presented by Fox News host and the unbridled lies being told by GOP lawmakers and newsmakers on MSNBC as well as many of the MSNBC constant guests, I’m beginning to see a pattern emerge.

In an effort not to appear so slanted toward this administration as it is perceived that Fox News is slanted against this administration, MSNBC has allowed opposition and sometimes favored commentators to speak on matters without the fear of being challenged.  It has become a common occurrence not to have to research any subject because as long as you are not going to be challenged on anything you say, the truth is often seen as purely a hindrance.

Classic example is the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare or any other label you wish to attach to it.  Anyone who pays just a little bit of attention knows in their hearts that this law, the ACA will save millions of Americans not only from bankruptcy but from dying early but this is often overshadowed by a constant reminder of what is wrong and very little if anything about what is right.  Today the fit being thrown is about what happens next since the website is far better now than it was in the beginning.  Now that this is corrected, focus is now on the hundreds of problems that are being reported now from information not getting to the insurance companies to this being a fake-out by the Obama Administration.  It’s a sad thing but listens to any cable news channel and tell me if you hear any difference.

What is being widely missed by all concerned is that those who favor ridding this world of abortion should be up in arms at the fact that not even Medicare has not been expanded in all States, why you ask, because if your organization prides itself of the “sanctity of life” it should be the sanctity of all lives not just the unborn.  So what about the hundreds and thousands of seniors who, without  this law will die from disease that goes untreated and undiscovered because they cannot afford preventive care.  What about the poor and less fortunate who cannot afford to see a doctor, does their life mean nothing to a group who champions the “sanctity of life”?  Only God really knows.

How about those who say that the GOP will face possible loss of leadership in Washington if they do not come to the bargaining table in good faith and do something for those who elected them to fix the problems this nation faces.  There is no pressure there because without those who vote growing a pair and making it a major sin to go to Washington and do nothing.  These are the controllers of the destiny of the New GOP, not those with big pockets as media would like to get us to believe.  Those who vote hold the power and as long as they are convinced by money managers and media that their votes really don’t count.  The status quo stays the same.  Already we know that those suffering most are not the people that politicians see as important and as long as they are allowed to flaunt their superiority over those with a smaller voice, suffering will continue.  Bottom line I got three words for you; GET A CLUE.  


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