Capitalism is a Killer
Webster Dictionary defines capitalism as: a way of
organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport
products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) are owned by individual
people and companies rather than by the government. Its full definition is: an economic system
characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by
investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production,
and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a
free market and according to those who live by, swear by and bleed capitalism
they would have you to believe that without it, this nation, this world and
this economy would fold. I say that this
is not only a lie but an excuse to rape the land and its people of all the
God-given resources including and not limited to their life. What do I mean by this, well consider the
Under the heading of capitalism, businesses have
been allowed to form themselves into not only an impenetrable force but a group
as well. Businesses have been able to
gain the same rights as individuals and can even vote. They have become a more important staple in
this society than the people themselves.
Why was this allowed to happen? Two
main reasons, really, capitalism and money.
The love of money guided those who started to step forward to help
better this country but was soon blinded by it which may explain why money is
considered the biggest prostitute there is in the Bible. That’s right, when you normally think of
prostitution you think of ladies of the night walking around in short dresses
promising a good time for money but if that is the only vision you get when you
hear the word then consider yourself fooled by capitalism.
Someone once said that the biggest trick Satan ever
pulled on people was to convince them that he did not exist and he still
continues to play this trick because people refuse to see how money is
prostituting them. Look at what we will
do for it. We are willing to put our
lives in danger for it. We are willing
to sell our children and possessions for it and ultimately we are willing to
die for it. Talk about promising us a
good time need I say more.
Of course I will because there are still many of you
out there right now scratching your heads and wondering what is I talking
about. Well consider this. The rules are that you must work the day
before and the day after a holiday to get holiday pay and this does not cause
anyone a moment of pause. Common sense
would be that if you worked on that day of the holiday, you have already earned
that holiday pay but not to business.
They have decided as described in the definition “by private or
corporate ownership, by private decision” to extend the chance of not paying
for the services received from employees by changing the rules and of course
they were and are allowed to this under the ruse of capitalism.
Listen at the way capitalism is defended by those
who champion it. They speak about it as
if it was alive and seem to place it on a much higher pedestal than they do God
Almighty. It seems that we can do
without Christ in our lives but we cannot do without capitalism. Our world would fold in on itself and die a
horrible death without capitalism but without God, we could survive. Look, listen and learn by hearing those
around you defend capitalism and why it is so vital to our very existence. Capitalism is being credited with everything
from the birth of Jesus to discovery of the cure for cancer.
You are willing to do anything for money even kill
for capitalism with a very sad justification citing the need for survival but
if you take a few minutes to think clearly about it, how many years have you
survived without it. For those who had
never had to go without maybe you have a valid reason for your chase of the all
mighty dollar but for those who have truly struggled, does money really need to
be abundantly present in order for you to survive? Money is a necessary evil, we all know that
but it should never be something that would entice you to risk your very life
to obtain or the taking of life.
Capitalism is the rally cry for all those who wish
to believe that this world would be much better off with more of it but really
you are being prostituted by it. You are
standing on the corner of greed and ignorance peddling the need for capitalism
to maintain our current way of life. You
are standing on the corner of unspeakable evil and injustice peddling the need
for capitalism to save us from an unseen and unknown danger. You have placed the love of and the misguided
need for money on such a high pedestal that those without resources will never
reach that mark but maybe that was the purpose.
To keep each and every one of us reaching for something we will never
obtain. The prostitute capitalism
promised us a good time and after years and years of following her we still
haven’t seen that time. Ask yourselves
why the rich, wealthy and powerful are never really happy. They seem not to have a care in the world and
surely have reach that good time promised by this prostitute but if you look
closely they are still chasing the same dream they just happen to be wearing
better footwear.
Capitalism is a killer. It’s a killer of dreams, hopes, desires and
yes even people and it will continue to kill as long as people allow that
prostitute to stand unchallenged on that corner and bait those unable and
unwilling to fight her entice.
Capitalism does not make an economy, it robs from it. It robs from it its most valuable of
resources. It robs from it, its people.
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