Could Lavatory Farming and lack of real Medicine be the cause of Life Span Decline?
In our rush to wring out of life all that we can, we may just be choking the life out of the human race. Take for example the rush to produce a more genuine and healthy crop and livestock by moving them from their ability to range free to an area populated by several others with little if no room to move around. We claim that this type of lavatory farming produces a better cut of meat but does it really? Stories swirl about the condition many of these facilities are in and the lack of particular attention being paid to those very animals. Back in the day, a farmer’s day began quite early as they made their rounds to feed and inspect their livestock. They would make sure that the animals were well taken care of, fed and watered so that they could grow healthy and strong. They knew that the healthier their animals were, the bigger the paycheck would be when they were sold to the slaughter houses. Many of these farmers took pride in raising healthy ...