Why People find it Hard to believe in God?
During preparations for my Internet Radio Show called
A Twist of Faith, I was trying to find the right words to express what 1st
Corinthians Chapter 14 was saying to me.
Taking a break to allow my thoughts to clear I hear a phrase on the
television which really made me wonder.
The question was asked someone who did not believe in God and used the
excuse that because there are so much pain and suffering out there that any
real true God would never allow those things to happen to his children. This was what began to make me wonder, if
this is why so many feel that there is really no God.
It really made sense because until now I had a very
hard time trying to understand how people could even consider that God does not
exist. It makes sense because if you are
judging whether there is a God based on the enormous amount of pain and
suffering going on in life, it is easy to see why you could arrive at that conclusion. But excuse me for throwing a monkey wrench
into your works because if all you see is pain and suffering then it is not the
non-existence of God that is your problem.
It’s the failing to recognize good when you see it.
It’s a well-known fact that what you seek most is
what you will find and this is never more meaningful than when applied to
this. If all you are searching for is
the bad then why are you surprised to find it.
What should be considered when all you concentrate on is bad news is
that somewhere between those ever increasing flows of bad news there are and
always will be good news. It’s just we
would much rather hear about bad and often ignore the good maybe because it is
always nice to know that there are others out there who are worse as a person
than we are. Maybe its better to know
that no matter how bad we view some of the things we do, the news and the word
within any community can always find someone who is worse. This makes us feel less ashamed of what we
did, didn't do or should have done and as long as there is a place to go where
we can always put the focus on someone or something else instead of taking full
responsibilities for ourselves, we can rest better at night.
What we seem to forget is those feelings and the
knowledge of doing wrong will remain with us long after we are dead and come
back to haunt us on judgment day.
Nothing that we find will ever be able to erase that actions or inaction that we performed or failed to performed. And the most important thing was what was
also said during that part of the show I was watching. It was said that if you find it so easy to
believe in evil, why do you then find it so hard to believe in God? A Twist of Faith can be found at http://blogtalkradio.com/twistoffaith
every Sunday at 10 am Central Standard Time and every Wednesday at 5 pm C.S.T.
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