Marco Rubio Spoken Truth Targets ALEC

In an article titled “Marco Rubio defends gays, attacks gay marriage” by Benjy Sarlin, it is reported that “Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio stated acknowledged Wednesday that American history was “marred by discrimination against gays and lesbians.” But in a speech at Catholic University in Washington, Rubio drew the line sharply at marriage equality and accused supporters of same sex unions of “intolerance.” “Rubio said. “This intolerance in the name of tolerance is hypocrisy. Support for the definition of marriage as one man and one woman is not anti-gay, it is pro-traditional marriage.” Which I must admit is true; to demand that your voice be heard on the values you hold dear does not give anyone the right to ignore the same desires being expressed by another.  In this nation of so-called adults, we must remember that there are others who have the same rights and freedoms as we do and deserve as must respect of them as we demand for ourselves. 

And while, Rubio was correct on that point, he was also correct on another when he was quoted by this article as also acknowledging that many gay couples “feel humiliated by the law’s failure to recognize their relationship as a marriage.”  To me this simply means that we can all stand up and defend our beliefs in one thing or another but where do you draw the line.  Perhaps the line should be drawn at when beliefs and values of one become law.  There lies individuals with their own agenda and enough money to get their wishes granted by congress and especially for groups like The American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC as they are best known by. 

According to their website, their history is stated to be “to advance limited government, free markets, and federalism at the state level through a nonpartisan public-private partnership of America’s state legislators, members of the private sector and the general public. A nonpartisan membership association for conservative state lawmakers who shared a common belief in limited government, free markets, federalism, and individual liberty. Their vision and initiative resulted in the creation of a voluntary membership association for people who believed that government closest to the people was fundamentally more effective, more just, and a better guarantor of freedom than the distant, bloated federal government in Washington, D.C.   The concept of ALEC task forces dates back to the early days of the first Reagan administration when, in 1981, the President formed a national Task Force on Federalism.  The President’s Task Force on Federalism would come to rely heavily upon members of ALEC for expert testimony. As a result of the interaction between ALEC members and Reagan Administration officials, ALEC established seven first-generation Task Forces, then called Cabinet Task Forces, which worked directly with the administration on policy development issues. To date, ALEC’s Task Forces have considered, written and approved hundreds of model bills on a wide range of issues, model legislation that will frame the debate today and far into the future. Each year, close to 1,000 bills, based at least in part on ALEC Model Legislation, are introduced in the states. Of these, an average of 20 percent become law.”

My only questions now stems from this revelation about this some-what secret society of those who may view themselves as this eras “Founding Fathers”.  This history calls them “a nonpartisan membership association” but how can that be true when nothing that others who also have the right to demand equal treatment have been championed by this group of intelligent giants among mere mortals.  For where I sit, unemployment is still far too high, the poor still suffers, wars are still being waged and Americans are being trampled by some of the very laws that they claim as victories.  When did it become a favorite thing to turn over a country full of immigrates to a hand full of wealthy people and companies with just one thing in mind.  A bigger paycheck and more tangible toys to play with in an exclusive playground for only those who think like them.  What ever happened to the Marco Rubio vision where all should be allowed to defend their beliefs without being legislated to death or was that only an applause line?

I question why we need congress when we've got such a distinguished group of people who know better what we need than we know ourselves.  Why do we need a military to protect and defend the values of a nation when only those values of groups and individuals like ALEC are allowed to prevail?  Maybe they see themselves as some suspect that the Illuminati saw themselves or maybe they like running roughshod over others less fortunate like those who hide their faces under pillow sheets.  To combat terrorist like these, one need not to create another group just as influential just find people willing to stand up and repel their unwanted advances.  Is there such a group of individuals out there to do that?  The answer is yes and they are the very ones who fought, bled and some died so that ALEC and groups like them could exist.  This group is a Band of Brothers who keeps strong to their commitment to protect this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic.  ALEC and others like them are about as domestic as you can get.  Just my opinion, I could be wrong but you know that I am not.


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