Immigration Debate exposes real American Hypocrisy
For those who find themselves entangled in this
on-going debate about our immigration problem, there appears to be one thing
that many are missing. That is how hypocritical
this nation looks as those who wish to yell “go home” and deny anyone a safe
haven are the very same who appears to be singing a different tune when it
comes to war.
Example is look very closely at those who say that
America and this administration is lacking in its response to the fighting
going on in the Middle East right now.
They cite the excessive loss of life as a reason for us to step up and
step in yet these very same people are singing a different tune when it comes
to the growing number of illegal aliens being captured and detained at the
southern border of Texas. Is there really
a different or does it depends strictly upon the person who is screaming the
Can we really have it both ways? Be gung-ho to charge into a civil war but
turn a blind eye to refugees who are trying to escape death because they happen
to not speak English as their first language.
Is it really all about trying to keep our border locked down and immigrants
out or is it all about opposing this president and his administration at any
One should ask those who feel so strongly about not letting immigrants into this country if in their family history are there anyone who migrated to this nation and what do they think would have come of them had they been rejected. Just my opinion, I could be wrong and if so ME
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