Big Oil Big Push for Higher Gas Prices and Profits begins now
was wondering when big oil was going to launch their fight to convince people
that they should demand higher gas prices so that they could get back to making
record profits but I did not think a CIA Insider would be used to initiate that
effort. I would have thought some
bought-off politician would have been the spark that started the fuse but I
guess it goes to show, big oil is not afraid to use whatever and whomever they
must to achieve their goals.
get this from reading and article titled “CIA
Insider: “Forget Iran, Iraq, Ukraine, and Syria this is where WWIII will start”
which appears on Keith Fitzgerald’s website Total Wealth which
states “Should the rise of conflicts across the Middle East and Ukraine serve
as a warning sign that something much more dangerous is approaching? According to Jim Rickards, the CIA’s
Asymmetric Warfare Advisor, the answer is yes.
In a startling interview he reveals that all 16 U.S. Intelligence
Agencies have begun to prepare for World War III. Making matters worse, his colleagues believe
it could begin within the next 6 months.
However, the ground zero location for this global conflict is what makes
his interview a must-see for every American”.
He headed this article with the words “While we're enjoying $2 gallons
of gas, Iran, Russia, and China are making moves...” and titled the marketing
of this article under a heading saying “Why President Obama fears low gas
prices could start a New World War”.
the followers of Mr. Fitzgerald, this is the battle cry for them to begin going
out and repeating this to anyone who will listen and it shouldn’t be hard to
get those whom you donate large amounts of money to listen and carry forth your
dire warning. Not that any of those
pushing this will ever be the ones on the front lines if a war was to actually
come. They are the fortune-tellers, the
soother-sayers, the all-knowing and the truth- tellers. They are the ones who stand back and say “I
told you so” while doing nothing to help prevent or solve this issue besides
getting you to demand higher gas prices as the only way to avoid World War 3,
really? The question then becomes, why
fight over gas prices when the market is so full that even if you owned every
single drop of oil in the market, you would stand to gain nothing but devastation
and a whole lot of dead. Why would Iran,
Russia and China risk a world war when all they really need to do is invest
more in powering their country than they do now?
are the questions that those who allow people to repeat this on their air
should began with asking and if they do not get a reasonable answer or
something that truly makes sense, refuse to run the interview. Wishful thinking, I know, but we can all
dream can’t we?
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