Talk about Crooked Cops, how about Lawless Lawyers
you are anything like me, you get these types of notices all the time because what
has happened to others has also happened to you. Now because many of these only ends up in you
wasting a lot of your time joining with only minimal return. The return makes all who receive these no
longer pay any attention to them and “round file them” or in other words toss
them into the nearest garbage can. Big
mistake because what we miss is the language contained within each and every
one of this notices and thank you to the lawless lawyers who capture that first
victim then make a deal to include the host of millions of other victims, you
are now bound by the decision of a court that you weren’t even aware of you
were ever a part of. Case and point.
Allen vs JP Morgan Chase Bank NA claims #: JPA-10354508601, it is written;
is notice of a proposed settlement in a class action lawsuit. The settlement would resolve a lawsuit
brought on behalf of a putative class of individuals, alleging that, on or
after November 18, 2009, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (“Chase”) used an automatic
telephone dialing system and/or an artificial or prerecorded voice to place
non-emergency phone calls to cell phones in connection with servicing auto
finance accounts, and that these calls were made without the prior express
consent of the persons called. Chase denies these allegations and any
wrongdoing. The Court has not ruled on the merits of Plaintiff’s claims or
Chase’s defenses. You were identified as
someone who may have received one of these calls based on Chase’s records.” Now while you may see this as a good thing
please read on and discovers what I discovered.
A detailed sacrifice of your pain and suffering at the hands of unscrupulous
individuals both from Wall Street and Main Street.
has agreed to pay a total of $10,200,000 into a Settlement Fund, which will pay
for the cost of notice and administration of the settlement, Settlement Class
Members’ claims, attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by counsel for Plaintiff
and the Settlement Class (“Class Counsel”), a service award for Plaintiff and a
charitable contribution, if approved by the Court. Class Counsel estimate that
a Settlement Class Member who submits a valid claim form (“Claim Form”) may
receive a cash award of between $45 and $55. Plaintiff will petition for a
service award not to exceed $25,000 for her work in representing the Class and
Class Counsel’s fees and costs not to exceed $3,399,966.” So you see that your compensation as the
truly victimized party will only be enough to possibly put a candy bar on
layaway while those who were not damaged by the manipulation of the system
collect more than adequate compensation for simply doing their jobs.
you now see the disparity between those who have far more than they need and
those barely able to just get by? This
is one of the primary reasons why there is a wealth gap and it will continue to
grow as long as those most affected continue to stand by and let it
happen. Time to stop blaming everyone
else for your monetary issues and begin to take full responsibility for not
taking control of your opportunities. To
do this, this is all you need to do. “If
I don’t like something about the settlement, how do I tell the Court? If you don’t exclude yourself from the
settlement, you can object to any part of the settlement. You must file your
written objection.” Or you can continue to hide under your mother’s skirt or
behind your husband or wife and this is what you can expect. “What if I do nothing? If you do nothing, you will not be eligible for a payment.
But you will still be a Settlement Class Member and bound by the settlement,
and you will release Chase from liability.”
Chase is now free to do it to you again and again and you now have no
one to blame but yourself.
can also obtain additional information, a long form notice or Claim Form by
calling 1-866-893-7786. Allen v.
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Claims Administrator, P.O. Box 30192, College
Station, TX 77842-3192.” The choice is
yours and your ship may be soon leaving the dock.
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