What ever happened to Responsible Journalism
to an article written by Ben Dimiero for Media Matters titled “NY Times Issues Second Major Correction
To Botched Report On Clinton's Emails” it is reported that “this morning, the New York Times issued a
second substantial correction to its anonymously-sourced report that originally
hyped a potential Department of Justice investigation into former Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton's use of personal email. The paper has now removed the
claim -- which appeared in both the article's headline and first sentence --
that two inspectors general were seeking a "criminal" investigation
into the handling of Clinton's emails. The paper has not addressed numerous
lingering questions about both the sourcing and vetting of its report, with
their corrections instead blaming the errors on "information from senior
government officials" who remain anonymous. Times public editor Margaret
Sullivan indicated on Twitter that she plans to weigh in on the story on
Monday. A comparison of the opening sentence of the July 23 article as
originally published and how it currently appears on the Times website
underscores the deeply flawed nature of the paper's report. In less than 48
hours, the article went from alleging a request for a "criminal
investigation" of Clinton herself to "an investigation" into
whether information had been mishandled in connection with her email account. Here's the story's original opening, which
appeared under the headline "Criminal Inquiry Sought In Clinton's Use of
Email": Two inspectors general have
asked the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation into whether
Hillary Rodham Clinton mishandled sensitive government information on a private
email account she used as secretary of state, senior government officials said
Thursday. And here's how it currently
appears, as of 2:30 p.m. EST on July 25:
Two inspectors general have asked the Justice Department to open an
investigation into whether sensitive government information was mishandled in
connection with the personal email account Hillary Rodham Clinton used as
secretary of state, senior government officials said Thursday.”
used to be a question of ethics when a story was printed and passed on to the
public. Journalist used to be extremely
concerned with their reputation for reporting the truth as they have evidence
of and being “fair and balanced” but this appears to be no more. Now it is all about what the writer or news
agency owners or handlers wish to divulge.
It is more important to be first and get more readership than ever being
responsible for what is being said. News
used to be presented as impartial as possible and the consumer were allowed to
make up their own minds about on which side to stand, if they decided to take a
side at all. I don’t know exactly what
happened to responsible journalism but it can closely be assumed it all began
when the news stopped being a service and started being a money-making
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