The Filibuster explains the need for Term-Limits and why Campaign Promises are never kept.


The very nature of this species called “man” is one where we can be easily influenced and with an unchecked amount of influence can be easily corrupted.  This corruption can come in many different forms and often we focus on a simple type while ignoring or refusing to see the others.

I contend that the filibuster is one form of corruption wielded by those who care less about the majority and more about the group of which they, themselves, are a member.  As a species, we find comfort in aligning ourselves with like-minded individuals and because of that we convince ourselves that what we envision is always the correct path for a town, a city, a community, and a nation.  To view it any other way would mean we would have to force ourselves to consider another’s truth and their opinions even if they differ from our own.

As many of you well know, a filibuster is a parliamentary procedure used to prevent a measure from being brought to a vote. It occurs because one or more senators can delay or block a vote on a bill by speaking on a series of topics as long as they wish unless cloture is invoked. The first Senate filibuster occurred in 1837 and since that time Appears to be only used when those in the minority has decided to do all that they can to prevent those in the majority from performing the task for which they were sent to the Senate and Congress to do.  It had been widely accepted in the past that the Constitution envisioned that simple majority voting would be the way use to conduct government business but for those who claim to defend and protect this constitution, it, like the bible, is only used when it suits that particular group’s agenda and only applies when it can be constructed to justify their actions.

If it weren’t so serious, it would be funny how we pretend to care about a certain thing on the campaign trail but soon contract amnesia when we report for duty in the House or Senate on our first day.  If the American voter send more Republicans to congress than Democrats, then those chosen to represent the voters should be forced to honor their wishes and debate a bill on its merits and not simply to slap the voters in the face by playing parlor games.  It seems that the longer one stays in office, the more self-centered and corrupt they become.  It is no longer about the will of the people and more about honing their skills of how-to best jockey for positions and pad their own legacies and pockets.  You ignore the will of the people when you act in any way to undermine majority rule.  You ignore the will of the people and cast them as unimportant or useless when you say what you would do if honored to serve, show up on day one and then must be reminded by those who voted for you.  You ignore the will of the people when they fall for the lines of one party, put them in the majority and expect that they will follow through on their promises.

But then, I guess since they keep sending you back to serve in the Congress and you have clearly proven you are only there to benefit only yourself, it isn’t your fault you become corrupt.


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