Investor's Quick Pitch

Attention America, we can no longer depend on Washington to make right the wrong that has been done to the 99%’s which is why I make the following offers.
Seeking investors of two thousand ($2,000) U.S. Dollars to purchase shares of DARROCLEAN TOOTHPASTE and MOUTHWASH.  DarroClean offers benefits that goes far and beyond that of any other toothpaste and mouthwash on the market and will set the standard for those that follow after.  It is non-toxic eliminating the need for seeking immediate medical attention if swallowed.  Its ingredients are essential to the smooth running of the human body, has anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties and one of its main ingredients have been shown to decrease mortality rates.
Seeking investors of twenty thousand ($20,000) U.S. Dollars to purchase shares of SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL ROD CONTAINERS (SPURS).  SPURS houses spent nuclear fuel rods in a gel which eliminates the possibility of radiation leakage and makes them safe for travel in hours instead of days.  It allows them to be removed from the facility which erases the fear of a nuclear explosion due to power outages or natural disasters. 
Seeking investors of fifty thousand ($50,000) U.S. Dollars to purchase shares of MANNS BOMB DETECTION AND CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS (MBDCS 1, 2 & 3).  The MBDCS 1 makes boarding all public transportation quick and nonintrusive without taking off your shoes.  The MBDCS 2 makes any vehicle safe to enter parking garages or park anywhere near buildings with foot traffic.  MBDCS 3 makes all packages and luggage worry free to load on any transport or conveyance.  All these devices will detect even the smallest particles of any ingredient which could be used to make a bomb.  It will contain that person, vehicle or package within its walls and prevent any further disruption or damage to anyone or anything outside its shell.  They will suppress the sound if the bomb is detonated prematurely which lowers the secondary cause of injury which is panic.


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