Why Mitt Romney is not a serious candidate

Mitt Romney has a well-earned reputation as a “flip-flopper” and one of the lessons learned from those currently in Congress and our former presidents is this nation cannot afford another politician who does not have a consistent position on the issues facing this nation.  There is plenty of documented and recorded proof of how Mr. Romney will tailor his position to meet the requirements of his audience and while that is a good thing when you are trying to sell a product, it should not be accepted when you are asking for the votes to place you in the White House.

Now, truth be told, Mr. Romney is not the first and probably will not be the last person to demonstrate this behavior but he should be the reason why the public begins to demand better.  Some say that Mr. Cain will be given a pass for his misstatements and they use the excuse of him not being as “polished” as the others candidates.  My only question then is if that is truly the case, how could Mr. Cain be the first and only one who presented any kind of policy thus far?  If anyone should have been the first or have already had policies to offer it surely should have been those more “polished”.

This is not the first go-round for Mr. Romney or many of the others so why do they not already have plans to address our nation’s situations?  Is it because they know that they don’t have to because at this stage in the game all that they have to say is what the other guy is doing wrong or is it because our media elite is too weak to ask those types of questions?  I’ll leave the discovery of that answer up to you but for me it appears to be a little bit of both.  Why offer solutions to problems when it’s much easier to just find fault.

This nation deserves nothing but serious candidates for the Office of President and it is up to the people to demand that seriousness.  Our Constitution offers every American citizen the opportunity to run for the leader of the Free World but they should be serious and have solutions that will benefit this nation as a whole and not just for a select group.  Mitt Romney has been running for President of the United States for the last seven (7) years, I find it very hard to believe that he has not come up with any written policy or solution to the problems we now face.  We should demand better because we deserve better. 


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