Exposed, the Story behind the Hatred of Obama
For quite some time now (around 3 and ½ years) I have been asking the same question. Where does this intense hatred for Obama come from? Yesterday, all the pieces fell into place and revealed a strange and disturbing picture.
It became quite apparent to me that the major reason many stand against this President is simply because they figure he is weak and would not be able to exercise the power of the office. They step to him not as an equal but as an inferior product. To a person, it was believed that he was not smarter than they were and each time he demonstrate his mental capabilities they are shown to be one step behind. This seems to be the primary reason for this intense hatred and can be evidenced by how many discount anything he says or does. It makes them run to the nearest microphone to dismiss any achievement. Take for example this article written by Rick Klein of ABC OTUS News titled Obama’s Immigration Surprise Puts GOP in Political Bind in which he reports that “this issue of what to do about the children of undocumented immigrants divides the party between hard-line conservatives who want all those who came here illegally treated as illegal - maybe even deported - and those who take a more compassionate view. Rep. Pete King of Iowa said it "signifies to potential illegal aliens that border agents will turn a blind eye." Republicans agree that President Obama, in their view, was acting outside the law in doing this by fiat, rather than through congressional action. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC., suggested today that the Obama administration's announcement is "possibly illegal." "President Obama's attempt to go around Congress and the American people is at best unwise and possibly illegal," or this one by Charles Babington of the Associated Press titled Analysis: Obama takes a risk on immigration front reporting “Obama bypassing Congress and aggressively using his executive powers to make it easier for gays to marry, women to obtain birth control, and, now, young illegal immigrants to avoid deportation is a political gamble. "This is the right thing to do," Obama said in the Rose Garden as he outlined the new policy Friday. Sidestepping Congress, where immigration proposals have languished for years. Some Republicans denounced Obama's deportation decision as pandering. It's "patently political and self-serving," and will do nothing to change the fact that jobs and the economy will determine the Nov. 6 election, said GOP strategist Danny Diaz. "It's the right thing to do for the country, and the right thing to do politically," said veteran strategist Matt Bennett." If Republicans directly challenge the decision, he said, it puts them "in the position of saying we should be attacking, legally, innocent children who did nothing wrong."
When actions like this appeared to be not working, those willing to battle this President in wits stepped up with none being so plain as reported in an article written by Olivier Knox of Yahoo! News titled Reporter who interrupted Obama: I thought he was finished “The Daily Caller's Neil Munro implausibly claims that he never meant to cut off the president and thought he was finished speaking. "I timed the question believing the president was closing his remarks, because naturally I have no intention of interrupting the President of the United States," Munro said in a statement on the Daily Caller's website after his Rose Garden showdown with Obama. And Republican Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina made headlines in September 2009 when he shouted "you lie!" at Obama as the president addressed a joint session of Congress.”
They have underestimated Barack Obama since day one and many took his initial run as a joke, Never thinking that he was smart enough to win only to have revealed to them an unprecedented way to win by social media and small money donors with big money backers and a talent to speak that far exceeded what they thought he was capable of. Now once in office these same brilliant people thought that he was not smart enough to survive his first few days but when he begin to fulfill his campaign promises and his approval rating stayed steady, doubt crept in. His policies began to take effect and the stock market shot up like some athletes before game time, they knew something had to be done. The healthcare fight made them realizes that he would be a force to recon with and he might just be strong enough to stand his ground and follow his own mind. They stacked the deck and issued a “no holds barred” approach to limit him so now the question of his intelligence and birth place rises as the only cards left to play. What they will soon learn is before the announcement was made about the immigration fiat, he did as he has always done. Took his time to find out if the actions he was about to take were legal and within his powers to do. It’s never been about how quickly he acted on any issue, it’s always been about how diligent he is before he acts. All this and they still refuse to give him any credit for anything like some media outlets as well but the one thing that frightens his opposition even more is that there might just be several other Barack Obama’s out there.
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