Judge says Zimmerman guilty of Material Falsehoods, bond revoked

When George Zimmerman was released on bond, many thought that the situation behind it had not been clearly vetted by the court and some even went as far as to speculate that the Zimmerman’s were lying about their finances.  I truly had no earthly idea in the beginning about whether they were telling the truth or not and apparently so did the court.  All that changed yesterday.

According to Pueng Vongs for Yahoo Lookout in an article titled George Zimmerman’s bond revoked, must surrender it is reported that “A Florida judge has revoked the bond of George Zimmerman, the volunteer neighborhood watchman accused of killing teen Trayvon Martin, on the grounds that Zimmerman misled the court about his finances.  During Zimmerman's bail hearing in April, his family testified they had limited funds, prosecutors said on Friday during court proceedings broadcast live.  Zimmerman's wife "said she had no money, but in fact she did," said prosecutor Bernardo de la Rionda. He pointed to $135,000 in funds the couple had raised from the public that was not disclosed during the hearing.  "It was misleading and I don't know what other words to use except it was a blatant lie," said de la Rionda.” 

Now any honest person much give Zimmerman’s lawyer credit for trying but he too must have figured it the same way the judge did because nothing in the article convinces me that he fought too hard to convince the judge to reverse his decision.  The article reported that his lawyer’s office had “been keeping close tabs on the funds.”We have kept an exact ledger of every penny that he spent," said O'Mara.”  The article also mentioned something interesting about a second passport.  It said “Prosecutors also said Zimmerman did not disclose that he had a second passport. Zimmerman had replaced a passport he lost only to find the original later. O'Mara said that he had kept it since the bail hearing, and the judge dismissed the concern.”  What is interesting about this is the foresight his attorney Mark O’Mara had to confiscate the passport himself. 

One had got to wonder whether now Zimmerman and his supporters are almost about ready to revolt against the only real friend he has.  I could be wrong but I have a sneaky feeling that not too long from now Attorney Mark O’Mara may be looking for a new job.


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