Weak Jobs Report says more than meets the eye

We America it has finally happened, our first weak jobs report  after a pretty good record by the Obama Administration and as figured the experts, pundits and politicians on both sides are flanging away trying to spin it to their advantage.  Both are missing a core component of their argument and so far no one from the media has detected this missing piece.

According to Rachel Rose Hartman’s article titled President Obama blames Congress for weak jobs report it is reported that “President Barack Obama on Friday put the blame for a weaker-than-expected May jobs report on Congress, saying lawmakers' inaction has stymied economic recovery.  "Right now, Congress should pass a bill to prevent more layoffs," Obama told an audience gathered at Honeywell's Golden Valley, Minn., facility, which the president had earlier toured.  Obama said Congress has not passed enough provisions of his jobs plan ("There's no excuse for it," he said) and must work immediately to offer more tax breaks for small-business owners and for homeowners who refinance. He also wants to extend tax credits for clean energy manufacturers. "Do it right now," the president said.
The report further reports that “Mitt Romney called the report "devastating news for American workers and American families" as other Republicans jumped to criticize the White House for the lackluster numbers.”  News reports had Republicans like John Boehner and Eric Cantor racing to the microphone to proclaim that only if this administration had listen to and worked with them the numbers would have been much better.

The only problem with both parties take on the situation is a key missing component which is for the Democrats the lack of leadership in the Senate when they had a majority and leaving the hundreds of bills untouched that was handed to them by Nancy Pelosi and the democratically controlled House.  Harry Reid could not catch a cold then and he seems not to be able to get sick now.  Swift and decisive action by this president and congress when they were in control could have been enough to prevent the 2010 run by Republicans but even they could not get their house in order to do it.  Pelosi did her job and Harry Reid failed.  Imagine what would have happened if Reid had attracted the same kind of work ethic Pelosi did and got those bills to the president’s desk.  Stimulus would have been larger and bolder, the jobs act would have been done and unemployment would probably be sitting around 4 percent instead of 8.

The missing link with the Republicans claims is not all of America was sleep when they attempted to derail this country not for the lack of job creation but to defund Planned Parenthood.  Not all of America is sleeping when they see Republican controlled State houses and the Tea party members in the Washington House proposing nothing that deals with efficient jobs except maybe the Keystone Pipe line which may do more damage to our environment than good.  Not to mention it will only employ about 1,000 totals.  Not all of America was sleeping when it was discovered that long before this president met with the Republicans in the House, they had already got together and made a decision to restrict and oppose regardless.  Not all of America was sleeping when those in office now ran on a platform to create jobs only to get their and do nothing but grown government by putting law enforcement in every women doctor’s offices, chase that all elusive prohibition of abortion and save the world by preventing gays from marrying.

Now all are up in arms demanding that the president do something bold and courageous right now and this is coming from the same people who criticized this same president when he first proposed the stimulus, healthcare, reforming TARP, continuing the bailout of the car industry, cash for clunkers and the job bill. 


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