
Showing posts from 2013

Snowden a Hero, Hell No

Cable news is filled with those who are now proclaiming louder than ever before just how much of a hero Edward Snowden is and those who are sitting near them refuse to push for their definition of a hero.  These people and organizations do not have a clear idea of what a hero is nor do they know the true definition of courage, honor and dedication.  I say this because they are calling Snowden a hero and if there is a hero bone in his body, it has yet to be shown. Organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union are using Snowden’s cowardly actions to drum up donations and financial support.  In their own little blurb titled “ President Obama: Guarantee due process for Edward Snowden ”, they demand the following; “Edward Snowden risked everything to expose the secret NSA spying program of our calls and emails. Now he's been formally charged with violating the Espionage Act—the same law used to charge Bradley Manning, who provided information to WikiLeaks.  A...

The Dust-up over Duck Dynasty Star is a Blessing

It is both a lesson in political correctness and religious liberty but also a lesson that needs to be made clear during a time where many of us think we know but really don’t know the true word of God.  We repeat verses and quote them to make our point yet we fail to read and understand the rest of the chapter.  We think that just by quoting a few Bible verses, that makes our decisions right and proves our point but then we forget that this debate was never anything God commanded. Mr. Phil Robertson spoke about homosexuality and from what I have read many of those reporting on it has taken exactly what he said out of context to prove their points.  If you dare to read the Bible, you will find that in 1 st Corinthians Chapter 6 those exact words spoken by Phil are written by Paul.  We begin with verse 9 and end with 10, “Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God?  Don’t fool yourself.  Those who indulge in sexual sin...

How can you tell when Politicians are not interested in Fixing America's Problems?

I used to think that it was common knowledge and quite easy to tell if the person in front of you blowing smoke was really blowing smoke or really did mean what they said.  I am becoming even more skeptical now but not toward those politicians who know exactly what to say to get you to vote for them but toward the public whose intelligence about these matters seemed to be more and more diluted. This is why now, I would like to take this time to try and help some of you re-adjust your vision and see past that façade that is placed in front of us to blind us from the real intentions of those who will promise you much and deliver very little.  It is mostly seen in politics but in today’s world, it’s becoming more and clearer in everyday living.  I present to you two major examples of which I speak. First let’s consider the article written by Josh Israel for Think Progress titled “Georgia Congressman Proposes That Poor Kids Sweep Schools for Their Lunch”.  In it...

The Nuclear Deal with Iran exposes Benghazi Lie

News was made on two fronts in the House of Representative’s Committee looking into the nuclear deal with Iran but has gone unreported by seemingly every cable news and local news station on the air.  One has to wonder how such experienced and talented journalist could miss both sets of news made on that Tuesday by John Kerry but maybe this truly is more about viewership and ratings than anything else.  We all know that sex sells which is why movies and commercials are full of sexually implicit things, now we know that controversy gains viewers because instead of these stories being top news, they were pushed back for what?  Well if this is true then let me be one of the first to clue this nation in but before I do let me also make one other thing extremely clear.  Nothing anyone says about this president and his administration is going to change the minds of those who truly despise him so this is not my reason for passing on what I learned on C-Span.  The ...

House Speaker John Boehner’s Two Biggest Mistakes

Many are applauding House Speaker John Boehner’s latest tirade where he finally puts the Heritage Action and other groups into the proper prospective but some are saying “too little too late”.  Mr. Boehner could have saved his party and raised the level of play in Washington to a much higher level by doing what he began to do with the “Grand Bargain”.   Had he completed this action, America would have to reconsider its thought of Republican governess and would have a completely different take on them as they have today.   But, alas, Mr. Boehner found himself hamstrung by his two most devastating mistakes far too early after taking control of the gavel.  His two major mistakes were inheriting Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy. With Eric Cantor, Mr. Boehner inherited a partner who was immediately embraced by sabotaging of the speaker in order to claim that gavel for himself.  History tells us that as soon as he was named as the number two man, Mr. Ca...

God does always make a Way

For some this may be hard to believe but God always makes a way.  I tell you this because even I have doubts sometimes and wonder if God does hear my prayers.  I have been unemployed since 2009 and as much experience and knowledge that I have obtained in my years of dwelling here on this earth has not been enough and in some cases too much to land a really good job.  So I sat, losing the only source of strength I have held onto for so long, my manhood.  Feeling it slip away little by little until I discovered why it was leaving. It was not leaving because of anything that anyone else was doing.  Yes, they could have given me an entry level position just to maintain my manhood but it still wasn’t their fault my manhood was leaving.  My manhood was leaving because I was putting my faith in them and allowing them to dictate my destiny.  When I figured this out, you should have seen my immediate reaction, knowing that they do not control my destiny, I...

My Disagreement Letter to Depart of Veterans Affairs

Some time ago, I solicited from the Department of Veterans Affairs disability income for which I had honestly believed that I had earned but like many veterans who has to endure the decision of those who may have never served a day or only have this position of authority because they knew someone or their parents knew someone, I got a letter that truly made me sick to my stomach.  Apparently there needs to be a large paper trail in order to get the benefits earned after service.  Now none of this is explained to you before you sign on the dotted line and just how many are they expecting to think that far ahead when signing up for military service.  For many of us, the thought of not returning home is the primary concern not that after we do our time we have cataloged the necessary documents to get awarded our benefits.  And it surprises so many that veteran suicides are so high and tempers are so short.  Imagine being told that all this awaits you after your se...

Fox News and the New GOP get their Talking Points from MSNBC

At first I did not wish to see something that has occurred to me as being so obvious.  Fox News and the new GOP do get their talking points from MSNBC.  Media had me believing at first that GOP talking points were created by the Heritage Foundation, Howard Lutz or other Koch Brothers financially backed groups but the more and more I listen to the points presented by Fox News host and the unbridled lies being told by GOP lawmakers and newsmakers on MSNBC as well as many of the MSNBC constant guests, I’m beginning to see a pattern emerge. In an effort not to appear so slanted toward this administration as it is perceived that Fox News is slanted against this administration, MSNBC has allowed opposition and sometimes favored commentators to speak on matters without the fear of being challenged.  It has become a common occurrence not to have to research any subject because as long as you are not going to be challenged on anything you say, the truth is often seen as purel...

Tuesday’s deadly blast in Lebanon is another strike for Republican Foreign Policy

I recall your attention to the Syrian Crisis where when the Obama Administration moved carriers to a more strategic position but held off on launching rockets and planes because for the first time, Russia backed off and the leader of Syria finally admitted to having nuclear weapons.  This was seen by Republicans as a “lack of leadership” and their only proposal was to arm the rebels.  Media fell right into line with the Republican’s view and helped to promote this vision.  What they refused to look toward was the complete picture and thank God we have an administration in the White House that was not so quick to arm the rebels but to take it slow. Proof of why this really was a smart strategy can be found in an article titled “ Deadly blasts near Iran’s embassy in Lebanon linked to Syrian war, sectarian divisions” written by Loveday Morris and Ahmed Ramadan, with an assist from William Booth in Jerusalem and Suzan Haidamous in Beirut.    This article ...

The Hierarchy of Power

In the beginning before the earth and everything in it was formed, there was heaven as we know it to be.  A place where existed God, Our Father also referred to as the Holy Spirit; his son Jesus Christ his most trusted of children called Arch angels and a whole host of lesser but just as important other angels.  Within this Eden, there was a conflict brewing where one of those most trusted Lucifer better known as Satan was attempting to unseat his father and take over the throne.  One the other side of that was Michael, a strong believer and defender of his father.  Every negotiating tactic attempted by God to settle his child Satan met to no avail and the conflict was on.  This was the time God decided to create another group of children who he thought would devote and cherish only him forever.   Then there was Adam deposited into another Garden of Eden later joined by Eve.  After the war was over, God had a choice to make.  He could comple...

Journalism Laziness the new catch phrase for media failure

In an article written by Eric Lach for TPM MUCKRAKER titled “ Obamacare Foe Sneaks Back Into Media As Just A Regular Guy” , Columbia Journalism Review’s Ryan Chittum coined a phrase that I believe defines many in America, even though it greatly fits our once accomplished reporters, journalists and commentators.  The article was about a man who appeared all over the media circuit claiming to only be just a regular businessman complaining about how Obamacare was damaging his business when in fact he had ties with the very organization “the Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), a conservative, pro-business group that, among other things, was a ferocious opponent of Obamacare. (The NFIB was part of the multi-state lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of the health care law.)”.  In other words the cornerstone of real journalism, the need for full disclosure, was ignored by those trusted to bring us all the news without bias.  They failed and failed mightily wh...

Another Child Dies while Mother, Father and Activists Stands by

Far be it for me to cast dispersion on anyone, Lord knows I have plenty of skeletons in my closet but when I hear any story about a child not being allowed to mature and grow because of some idiotic lunatic and their supporters, I cannot sit quietly.  This is the case with what has been reported by one of our local television stations WREX (Rockford, IL). The article is quoted as saying “A 40-year-old Rockford man has been found guilty in the beating death of his girlfriend's three-year-old daughter.  Duran Johnson was found guilty of two counts of first degree murder Wednesday. He was also found guilty of concealing a homicide and intimidation. However, he was found not guilty of aggravated battery toward victim Kaitlyn Head's two surviving sisters. He faces a maximum of 100 years in prison.  Head's mother, Melanie Grant, pleaded guilty earlier this year to beating her daughter but claimed Johnson was the one who ultimately killed her.  A forensic pathologist s...

Dispelling the Myth of Who can be called as a Voice of God

There is a group of people who are strong believers in the rumors that only those selected can call themselves or ever be recognized as a voice for God.  They think that you need to possess a degree or diploma or be anointed by other men.  While in the past this was also my belief it is not so now and had I not stumbled upon this revelation, I would still be pushing this lie. Who can be called as a voice of God, anyone with a very strong desire to spread the “Good News” and the convictions to endure all of the pain and suffering that will comes from doing so.  Yes that means you and you do not need any piece of paper to do so.  Forget the labels and remember the sacrifice. If you believe so strongly in the Old Testament and often quote it to prove your point of how God feels about everything, you must also be willing to accept the entire Old Testament as the true path to perfection and not just a few verses here and there to make you appear like you really know ...

Vets with PTSD hiring bias is new age Affirmative Action Push

As written by Ms. Borgna Brunner and Beth Rowen for in their article titled Affirmative Action History - A History and Timeline of Affirmative Action it clearly describe the origination and thought behind the construction of Affirmative Action.   They describe it this way, “t he term "affirmative action" was first introduced by President Kennedy in 1961 as a method of redressing discrimination that had persisted in spite of civil rights laws and constitutional guarantees.”   “It was developed and enforced for the first time by President Johnson . Focusing in particular on education and jobs, affirmative action policies required that active measures be taken to ensure that blacks and other minorities enjoyed the same opportunities for promotions, salary increases, career advancement, school admissions, scholarships, and financial aid that had been the nearly exclusive province of whites.”   Still quoting from the above article “from the o...