The Real Truth about the Reagan, Bush and Obama Elections
Many Republicans are
always talking about Ronald Regan but what seems to be lost on many who are
supposed to do this politic thing for a reason is Republicans did not elect
Reagan. What you say? How dumb must I be to say something like
that? Of course Republicans elected
Reagan. Consider the evidence.
Check the numbers, when
Democrats and Independents decide to really get involved in an election, the
numbers are nowhere near to being close in regards to the number of Republicans
voters as opposed to the number of Democratic voters. More people lean toward Democrat or
Independent thinking than the Republican way.
The Republican Party is not shrinking, its people are maintaining their
party affiliations but voting the other way because right now the embarrassment
is too great to brag about.
Therefore I surmise the
following; Ronald Reagan won because many Democrats and Independents stayed
home or voted for him because there were not really good choices on their
side. Once in they still did not have
any willingness to get involved so the rest is history. So for those who are so sure Reagan won
because of Republican votes only, sorry to burst your bubble. The American public proved then, that we do
not care what party you are from. Our
only real concern is sending you to office to do the right thing for this
nation as a whole because when one succeeds, we all succeed. It’s the politicians themselves who become so
corrupt when they get there that makes the whole voting thing feels like an
exercise in futility.
George W. Bush won because,
again, no one really to get excited about and with the surplus some figured
that he could not do much damage in four years.
Besides they believed that they had elected a pretty strong group and
put them in congress so that Bush would not be able to do much damage. They were wrong and history teaches us
that. The group in Congress left their
backbone on the steps and hasn’t found them since. Bush won a second term because many
Independents and Democrats had thrown up their hands, like some spoiled brats.
You need not look any
further than the Obama/Clinton battle for the nomination to see just how solid
these groups can come together. During
the primary each had their own desire to see their choice win but once it was
all over they came together to bury the opposition. Don’t believe me look at the numbers. The Republicans could have ran Santa Claus
for Obama’s second term and still lost mainly because people are beginning to
see that things can get better if we all work together. They see those who are so hell-bent on making
this a failed presidency that they are willing to sacrifice the nation
itself. These “closet-Klan” individuals
can not contain their disdain for this President and it has nothing to do with
his policies. It is only about his skin
color. If you listen to their arguments
about his policies, even a 5 year old child would say that it don’t make any
sense. Media, get your head out from
between your legs and report the story a not your profile or your party.
Moral being, until the GOP
begin to come the way of the people, where we all stand side by side and fight
shoulder to shoulder against all that threatens to destroy this nation, they
will only have those “closet-Klan” members to choose from. Until the Democratic and Independent Party
decides to stop playing whose side is better and start doing the will of the
people. They will continue to come to
work only to look at themselves in the mirror.
Know this all who serve. You can
go only party line and worry about your second and third term in office flying
high in Washington but you will have to evidentially land and when you do. Those you walked all over will be there to
greet you. If you have to break a few
eggs to make an omelet and that omelet is for all of us to enjoy. Break the eggs and the public will be there
to help you clean up the kitchen.
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