For so long sexual harassment has always been minimized
by the public as nothing more than misunderstood and misinterpreted accounts of
events. Those claiming sexual harassment
have always been looked upon as “troublemakers” and we were being led to
believe that anything that they say could not be trusted. While this may be the case and some of the
allegation/cases, it cannot be true in all.
Individual liberties are being trampled on because those who are alleged
to have committed this crime are rich, powerful, influential or untouchable. This may be why Jesus wept for Jerusalem just
before his murder.
Take a look at this story written for The Raw Story by
David Edwards titled “Iowa Senate Republican staffer fired after reporting
sexual harassment” but had to be tripped over before it could be checked and
double checked by larger media centers.
These are the stories that should be breaking news instead of the back
and forth childish games begin played out in Washington. This type of story happens more and more but
largely goes unreported because of a culture of blaming the victim before
checking the validity of the story. Many
are focused on the military, as well as they should, but don’t get it twisted,
the military is not the only workplace that this is happening.
“A female former staffer for the Iowa state Senate
Republicans says she was fired only hours after she reported sexual harassment
by male lawmakers. In an interview on
Sunday, Kirsten Anderson told WHO-TV that she had worked as the communications
director for the state Senate Republican Caucus until Friday when she was fired
after providing documentation about the sexual harassment. Anderson said she was told that the senators
“had the authority to terminate me at this time.” “Pressed by WHO-TV’s Dave Price, the former
staffer said that she was not prepared to name names because her complaint “was
more about changing the work environment.”
Ed Failor Jr., a top assistant to state Senate Republican Leader Bill
Dix, on Sunday insisted that Anderson had been fired for failing to improve her
work performance.”
Whether Democrat or Republican, Independent or
Non-Committed, sexual harassment should not be tolerated in any environment and
exposure of this demon should be the primary task of all journalism but in the
culture of ratings, hypocrisy and controversy, all we hear about is anything
that will get them “the lead”. Reminds
me of Hollywood’s and Madison Street’s image that a really good product cannot
sell or all television shows rate best when sex is involved. The road to ruin is not only paved by those
in power but also those who place wealth over reason, profits over compassion
and division over unity. If you can’t
help to heal this world then try not to aid in the harming of it.
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