The Truth behind the Recent Gun Violence
Was watching the Lawrence O’Donnell
Show “The Last Word” and heard about the story of the 5 year old Kentucky boy
shooting and killing his 2 year old sister with his new rifle purchase for his
recent birthday. Afterwards began to
think just what it is that is causing, normally, intelligent people to engage
in to such ill-intelligent actions. As
parents, many of us do all that we can to keep our children safe, we try and
protect them from all harm even going as far as having them believe in the
Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
So are we so very silent or extremely naive when it comes to children
and guns? I entertained the” why” for
quite some time and can only think of two good reasons. One is, we are quickly coming close to “the
end of days” but if this one is too scary for you, try my next one.
Before I educate you on
that here is a little from the story about the previously mentioned 5 year old
Kentucky boy who shot his 2 year old sister.
It was written by Katie McDonough for Salon Magazine and titled “Inside the kiddie gun market”. I have included those thoughts that I think
are quite relevant to my point. “The
youth market in firearms is growing, selling air-light guns in pink and blue
with names like "My First Rifle".
“On Tuesday, a 5-year-old boy in Kentucky shot and killed his 2-year-old
sister with a .22-caliber, single-shot Crickett rifle. The boy had been playing
with the gun, a recent birthday gift, when it went off. The Cumberland County
coroner described the tragic incident as “just one of those crazy accidents.” “The .22-caliber, single-shot Crickett is a
small, air-light firearm billed as “My First Rifle” by gun manufacturer
Keystone Sporting Arms. Through studies
and promotional materials, some sporting associations encourage young people to
take up hunting and shooting as recreational activities, and point to potential
benefits — both for avid gun-owners and youths themselves — of young people handling
firearms. Magazines like “Junior Shooter” call hunting with firearms “one of
the safest recreational activities in America,” and sees introducing kids to
guns early on as a direct investment in future pro-gun voters: “Each person who
is introduced to the shooting sports and has a positive experience is another
vote in favor of keeping our American heritage and freedom alive,” Junior
Shooter editor-in-chief Andy Fink wrote in the winter 2012 issue.” Adding:
“They may not be old enough to vote now, but they will be in the future.”
If you were to accept that
it’s okay for 5 year olds to get their first gun and that parents do not share
in any of the blame for “accidents” that happen because of their choice to give
such a gift. Then you would probably
also lean toward accepting the Cumberland County coroner description as “just
one of those crazy accidents” and even the reasoning for this love of money by
the manufacture and Junior Shooter editor-in-chief Andy Fink saying “Each
person who is introduced to the shooting sports and has a positive experience
is another vote in favor of keeping our American heritage and freedom alive also
adding “They may not be old enough to vote now, but they will be in the
future.” If you accept any one or more
of these then my second point should surely meet with your approval. My second point and reason for the recent
increase in gun violence is “lack of respect”.
Parents have little or no
respect for the gun because they placed such a weapon in the hands of a 5 year
old and in some advertisements much younger.
Manufactures have little or no respect for the gun because they make
them so easy to use, even a 5 year old can kill. Adults, voters and Christians have little or
no respect for the gun because they sit idly by and watch this entire episode taking
place and not lift a finger or a voice to stop it. Hell, if you talk to all those who accept
this premise, many, if not all, will swear up and down that not only are they a
law-abiding citizen but that are also “real” Christians and devote followers of
Christ. For those who sit on the
sidelines, stick their heads into the sand and only whisper, you are just as
guilty as those misguided parents who bought that gun for him but failed to
make sure he respected what that gun could do before they left him alone with it
loaded. Tell me that they were too
excited about now feeling better when they left him home alone because he had
his first rifle and could defend their home and his little sister from dangerous
criminals who might wish to break in.
Tell me that the grief they are enduring now and will for the rest of
their natural life, is worth the joy they felt and saw in his eyes when he
first received it. Tell me that this 5
year old boy will recover from knowing that he killed her own baby sister and
that it is because of him she is no longer with them. Tell me that it was worth the years of
unending torture he will suffer because he was not taught to respect the gun
first and foremost.
We make it a point to say
that we teach our kids to respect each other while showing them how best not
to. We say that we know best when it
comes to our kids and we are always looking out for their best interest. Well while the parents thought it a good
idea to look out for the 5 year old and present him with such a gift, they
failed to look out for the 2 year old who shall be a constant replay of a
surprised look as the last thing he saw while the bullet ripped a hole through
her tiny body. The daughter will be
forever lost to that family and because he was only 5 years old, the son could
be forever lost as well. If we cannot
respect each other, we should at least try our best to respect the pain and
damages a gun, in the wrong hands, can leave behind.
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