
Showing posts from April, 2014

Facebook Confession Seals the Fate of One and Offers Lesson to Others

ROCKFORD – 23-year-old Lorenzo Kent Jr. was found guilty of first degree murder in the death of 30-year-old Donmarquis Jackson in Jackson’s driveway of his home in the 1400 block of Nelson Boulevard last May.  Along with some witnesses saying that they overheard Kent threatening to kill Jackson, it was also reported that a major part of the evidence used to convict Kent was a Facebook posting which read something like “My way or the highway, killed in the driveway” posted on Kent’s page after the shooting.  Kent now faces 20 years to life for the choice that he made when he decided to take the actions that he did and because he choose to put it all out on Facebook. Now, for those who still think that Facebook is the best place to air your dirty laundry and make a name for yourself, proof of how much nonsense that makes should be overwhelming clear.  Using Facebook as your personal paparazzi and fan base not only can subject you to those who wish to do you harm knowin...

How Hollywood can help us keep our Children Safe

Ask any parent what is the number one responsibility of a parent and they will say to protect their children.  I know this because I have asked plenty of them and this was the same response from me as well.  I have recently discovered that this reason ad this reason alone may be the primary reason that so many parents fail and so many children are then lost to the streets.  A parent’s number one responsibility is not to protect our children, it is to educate them. Now the title of this piece is how Hollywood can help but before we get to that, we need to explain why protection is not number one and education is.  Think on this; as a parent you set yourself to believe that you need to protect your child and when you fail to do just that, a world of misery is dumped directly upon you.  You feel inferior and weak because your child is hurting and there seems to be nothing you can do to ease or stop it.  You sit there with your head up your butt wondering ...

All Hiring Managers are Guilty of Legal Discrimination

I know that as soon as some of you read the title of this article, you either knew exactly what I was talking about or you became a bit upset and angered by it.  Either way, it is time that someone said what many have been thinking for so long but for one reason or another, could not find the words.  I, apparently, do not suffer from that same fate. Here is how hiring managers display their guilt in legal discrimination each and every interview.  They enter with a preconceived idea of the perfect candidate, knowing full well that this perfect candidate does not and never will exist outside of animation or a machine.  To select this perfect candidate, a few criteria’s are set-up and guidelines are established to get to this perfect employee.  All of these set-ups and guidelines are already flawed because they are constructed by flawed individuals.  Let’s face it, we are all flawed, if we are human so anything we construct will also be.  What spurre...

The Misconception and Misappropriation of Christian Values

You may recall the story of Jesus where the Pharisees were lying to the people and the kings saying that he was violating the Laws of Moses which at that time was and still remains today as the law of the land.  This was the excuse that they used to not only beat, torture, and kill all of God’s prophets and messengers sent before Jesus but the exact same premises that they used to murder Christ as well.  What they did not care to try and understand was that Moses was just a man sent by God to deliver those laws, teach them in his name and set the example by which they should live.  This was the first convent and only after the other prophets and messengers were slain by their hands, did God see reason to send to us his only son to deliver unto us a second convent.  These so-called religious experts and their followers were blinded by Satan and could not see Jesus for who he really was and they refused to listen when Jesus explained to them that he was not here to vi...

Classic Example of how your Decisions can have an effect on others

Many people believe that the choices they make only affect them and as long as they do, then all that they need to consider is how it will.  They are so wrong and this article written by Jason Devaney for Newsmax titled “McAllister 'Wrecked' Life of Man Whose Wife he Kissed” is all the proof you need. Interviewed by CNN the husband of the woman kissed on video by McAllister said "I'm just freaking devastated by the whole deal, man," Heath Peacock said during an interview with CNN. "I loved my wife so much. I cannot believe this. I cannot freaking believe it. I feel like I’m going to wake up here in a minute and this is all going to be a bad nightmare." "He has wrecked my life," the 34-year-old Peacock told CNN. "We’re headed for divorce. It was just a kiss, that was all it was, but it embarrassed me and my family”.  "This guy has turned my life upside down." Evidence suggests that this attraction was not a spur of the mo...

Another Tragic Failing of our Justice System

In any investigation, those who are in the know should realize that a tragic trend is beginning to emerge.  Investigators are imitating television when it comes to discovering the truth about crimes being committed.  Often television shows depict the star of that show figuring out what happened by number of means and script writers are getting more and more loose with how things really should be by making the scene more about the person than the crime.  Investigations are never about the person; it should always and forever be about the crime.  If there is no crime committed then there is no damage but if there is any possible chance of misconduct then it needs to be cautiously examined. Nothing makes this clearer than the article about “a 6-year-old Pennsylvania boy whose mother allegedly held him underwater in a bathtub died Saturday, four days after his younger brother drowned, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner's Office confirmed”.  It says that “Cou...

Incoming Complaint Call possible cause behind Police Brutality

As a former law enforcement official, I have become dismayed and dishearten by the recent events where my fellow badge totters have exercise a severe lack of proper judgment when it comes to responding to incidents.  One the one hand, I feel quite connected to them and truly want to see that they do no harm while on the other, I am quite aware that there is a small percentage of all workers in any industry that tends to put personal pride before professionalism and cause all those associated with that industry a “black eye”.  These are those who have been recently caught on tape performing in a way that is far contrary to the education received before graduation.  I have searched for a possible motive and I think I may have found it. Take for example, this article titled “LA Cop Punches Special Needs Girl in the Face, Tries to Confiscate Video of Incident” brought to us by The Free Thought  While most of it is becoming part of the norm, one part of ...

Veteran’s Physicians are Doctors of Death

Am I the only veteran who sees something wrong with the way PTSD is being handled within our medical community?  I must be because I do not hear any other veteran group saying anything about it.  Imagine being somewhat suicidal or homicidal and then being given a prescription drug that makes you even more so.  Is not this what is happening right now? Imagine the stress felt during peacetime where you as a military member is dressed in uniform and hear all that saber-rattling by people who will not be dodging one bullet, thinking ata at any time you may be called on to put your life on the line because some politician wants to make a point.  That’s stress but not one of the contributors to PTSD according to our highly trained physicians who make these determinations.  For 3 to 4 years you live with this possibility each and every day but that’s not stressful according to them. The times we are at war, you as a military member, worry about getting called ...

Politicians Battle Cry-Vote for me so that I can Ignore You

Politicians claim to want to fight for you so they need your vote but as soon as they get into office, you are forgotten and the only voice they hear are those of lobbyists or major donors to their next campaign event.  Funny how they talk so well on the stump but renege quickly on their promises at the trough.  Take for example this article written by David Espo for TPM titled “Why Did the GOP Just Expand Obamacare Choices?” Remember the GOP, they are the ones who promised if elected that they would give you jobs but refused to even bring that 2 year jobs bill to the floor.  They did, however, “at the prodding of business organizations, House Republicans quietly secured a recent change in President Barack Obama's health law to expand coverage choices”.  So what does this mean to you, nothing but it clearly shows you that hiring a group of people who do not carry your interest forward from campaign trail to office, should be quickly fired.  But alias, we si...

Rockford’s Rich Black History Being Buried

Rockford’s rich black history began in 1834 when a young 22 year old slave by the name of Lewis Lemon, made the journey from what is now Galena Illinois to what is now Rockford Illinois via the Rock River with his then master Germanicus Kent and a fellow explorer, later turned school teacher/farmer Thatcher Blake. It is also known that approximately 4 plus years later, Lewis Lemon was able to purchases his freedom from Germanicus Kent but that is about as far as it goes.  Very little else is really known about Rockford’s first black founder except the little that can be found about him in some of the old journals and books carefully secured in certain places and of course the fact that he was buried in what is now referred to as Greenwood Cemetery with an inscription on his gravestone that reads “Born slave–Died Free”. Now there are none left to help us discover more about the beginning of this city’s black history regarding this man. Other point of interest that encompasses o...

The Supreme Court’s Devalue of our Democracy is the Best Thing

When the “Robert’s Court”/The Supreme Court, decided that it was time for them to return to their roots and clear the way for money to be the primary factor in any and all elections, it became quite obvious that the rights of the people were no longer of any concern.  Many are now dancing in the streets because in a world where ideas are supposed to be created in an effort to make life better for the American citizens and our judicial branch was established to make sure that true justice is blind.  The Robert’s Court has opened the door to a severe recount of that logic and turned this nation over not to those who would seek to better it for all but to those who will seek to better it for themselves.  This Supreme Court just handed this nation over and sold it to the highest bidder but is that really such a bad thing? Let’s consider the argument as presented by Robert Barnes of the Washington Post in his article titled “Supreme Court strikes down limits on overall fe...