Incoming Complaint Call possible cause behind Police Brutality
As a former law enforcement official, I have become
dismayed and dishearten by the recent events where my fellow badge totters have
exercise a severe lack of proper judgment when it comes to responding to
incidents. One the one hand, I feel
quite connected to them and truly want to see that they do no harm while on the
other, I am quite aware that there is a small percentage of all workers in any
industry that tends to put personal pride before professionalism and cause all
those associated with that industry a “black eye”. These are those who have been recently caught
on tape performing in a way that is far contrary to the education received
before graduation. I have searched for a
possible motive and I think I may have found it.
Take for
example, this article titled “LA Cop Punches Special Needs Girl in the Face,
Tries to Confiscate Video of Incident” brought to us by The Free Thought While most of it is
becoming part of the norm, one part of the article stood out to me and proved
me with proof of my search. It states “We
got a 911 call of a violent woman on a bus, [saying] she almost attacked an
elderly man”. So let’s say, police dispatcher gets a call about a man with a
gun, they then relay that to the responding officers, whose blood now begins to
really start pumping. The only thing
playing in their heads is what was told to them and officers without proper
training or guidance, do not convert from informed information to tangible so
what is truly happening on the scene is not observed until much later after the
situation is over. Meaning, as an
officer, I am going into a situation of a man with a gun so even though it is
clearly a water pistol, which does not register not until after the man is dead
and my aggressive level has dropped. Now
because those we are supposed to review my actions and hold me accountable remembers
those times that they experienced making the wrong decision, they now respond
as the Lakewood Sheriff’s Department responded in this article when they said “she
has 4 previous arrests and convictions for assault on a police officer, She’s a
large woman with some mental challenges, and she became aggressive toward our
deputies.” All this so that the deputies
can escape accountability and therefore never learn anything or get the needed
help that they will require once this incident begins to haunt them.
Remember the homeless camper who was killed by
police in New Mexico? Here is what they
said to justify that according to an
article titled “Police Shoot Homeless Man During Camping Arrest “ written by Sebastian
Murdock for the Huffington Post; “Boyd,
who police said may have been a paranoid schizophrenic, has a long criminal
history. In the past, he allegedly attacked people with knives, box cutters,
and his hands, and in 2010 broke a female officer's nose, according to KOAT. During a news conference, Chief Eden said the
shooting was justified because Boyd was a "direct threat". I contend that they got a call that there was
a dangerous man camping out in that area and if the dispatcher asked about the
person being a danger to him or others, all the caller has to say is “yes”.
Now don’t get it twisted, this does not excuse
anyone’s actions because we all will have to pay for the choices we make on
judgment day while we stand in front of the throne of God even if man lets us
slip off the hook, but it should give us another avenue of approach if we are seriously
thinking about changing the climate involving police brutality. Just my opinion, I could be wrong and if so
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