The Insanity of Santorum

It sometimes appears that events happen without a reason but I am a full-fledged believer in everything happening for a reason.  Even though we may never understand why they happen, there can normally be found a very good reason for them.  It must be made clear, however, that reasoning is totally up to individual interpretation and in that arena, who can really say whose wrong or right.

I say that because of the recent fallout over this contraception debate which now has turned into an assault of religion.  Many first complained that the Affordable Care Act forced religious organization to violate their oath of not having anything to do with contraception.  It has now been made clear that many who are complaining the loudest have supported the opposite position in the past.  Mike Huckabee signed an identical law into law when he was Governor of Arkansas; Mitt Romney did nothing to change that same status while he was Governor of Massachusetts, many of these same Republicans championed providing birth control to women especially since they supported providing Viagra for men.  Not to mention that when all this was happening, the Catholic Bishops, so prominent in today’s debate, was not heard from at all.  I say all that to say this.

Rick Santorum stands on stage and rails about the government not having the ability to ram their stance down the throats of Americans yet campaigns to do the very same with his personal rules and regulations.  Examples of this are the fact that recently he mentioned taking all federal and state money out of education.  While that will destroy our current education system, Santorum justifies it by attempting to demonstrate that since he home school his children, then it should be the same for all.  He has mentioned women with careers and since maybe he runs his household where the women stays home with the kids while the man works, that may not be the life that other choose for themselves.  He mentioned how wrong he believes birth control is even in the case of rape or incest so instead of following the document he holds over all others he chooses to protest it for him.

The document I speak of is the Constitution and the one part where the Founding Fathers made clear that this nation should be ruled by a majority and not a minority.  He dismisses this portion of the document because if he wants to represent America, he must represent all of America.  If the majority is saying that a particular policy is what they want then that’s the policy he should pursue even if he disagrees with it.  The reason being that if the rule he disagrees with is so disagreeable to him then the job he seeks is not the job for him.  He rails about President Obama forcing Americans to do things his way but the hypocrisy is catching up with him because not all women wish to spend their lives at the feet of any man.  They wish to make their own rules when it comes to their own bodies and their own lives.  On the campaign trail he wants government out of our lives but it’s not government that he wants controlling things; it’s the insanity of Santorum.  I got two words for you Mr. Santorum when it comes to over-reaching, Terry Shivao.      


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