Mitt the Mimic and the Media stretches the truth
Mitt Romney poses in front of a business and implies that
the plant closed under the Obama Administration. No one in the crowd corrects him or after
wards approaches him about it. It should
be said that excuses should be given to no one in the crowd correcting him
because it was his crowd and they seem to accept their guy spreading lies and
do not appear interested in having a representative who are more truthful. The media runs straight to their polls and
tells us that Mitt Romney is better on the economy than this president. They say that the economy is the weak point
of President Obama’s re-election campaign.
I beg to differ with all these experts especially when I compare both on
economic standards.
Mitt Romney was Governor of Massachusetts and if past
reports are true they ranked 23rd in job creation. He ran Bain Capital and if he is credited
with creating jobs there, he must also be credited with all of the job losses
as well. When it comes to this
administration, he has had over 23 straight months of job growth and has
created more jobs in 3 years than Mitt Romney did at both Bain and as Governor.
This administration has proposed even
more job to be created with high speed rail, green jobs and the jobs bill but
is being blocked by Republicans which is the party of Romney. His stimulus programs have aided in saving
the economy of many Americans but we hear very little about the real effect
because media is so focused on their polls.
The healthcare law has helped senior’s economy by closing the doughnut
hole, students economy by allowing them to remain on their parent’s insurance
and parents economy that care for children with pre-existing conditions.
Media polls say that Mitt Romney has plans that will
benefit this economy but no one has locked him into any plans that I have
heard. His tax plan does not benefit
anyone’s economy except the 1 percent and I have yet to hear anything solid
about his plan to create jobs. I expect
to see evidence of stances instead of just rhetoric but then that’s just me and
I could be wrong.
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