Response to story of Obama helping Muslim Brotherhood’s War on Women

This commentary comes in direct response to an article written by Mr. Mark Whittington as a Yahoo Contributor titled Obama Helps the Muslim Brotherhood's War on Egyptian Women.  In this article Mr. Whittington makes some very good points but do not offer any possible explanation for the Obama Administration seemingly stands except that it is a “bereft of shame”.  While I am sure that some of my commentary could be found to lack the same, I am still compelled to answer his charge.  Now make no mistake, I am not privy to any inside information from the Obama Administration which makes me an expert into their thinking but as with all other Americans I too have my opinions.

In an effort to address each point of Mr. Whittington’s commentary, I will provide a picture of the other side of the argument after repeating his.  The first of which is “President Barack Obama has hit upon a re-election strategy, according to Reuters, by wooing working women and accusing Republicans of waging a "war on women." Yet Obama is hosting the Muslim Brotherhood at the White House, according to AFP.  This represents a kind of doublethink that would have shocked George Orwell. It seems the Obama administration is capable of accusing Republicans of hating women for not wanting to see the Catholic Church hand out free birth control contrary to the Church's doctrine. While it is doing this, it is treating with a terrorist group that has as its governing platform the imposition of Sharia Law, which would send Egyptian women into lives of degradation and oppression.”

 My interpretation of this paragraph is to imply that Republicans are not waging a war on women but find it quite strange how anyone can imply that when you look at the laws being passed by Republican-led State Houses and Governorships which targets women, children, the elderly and veterans while allowing millionaires and billionaires to skate free.  While I do take his point about the Muslim Brotherhood, I must say that during talks with this group, the Obama Administration has made it quite clear that their position on women and other minority groups must change.  They have and should continue to put as much pressure upon them regarding human rights as they do with China and other countries that we wish to work with but do not have a stellar record on these subjects.  Every journey begins with the first step and while Mr. Whittington may want this administration’s steps to produce fruit with that first step, anyone who follows anything knows that things just don’t happen like that.

The next paragraph maintains the somewhat same course as the earlier one but has some assumption that begs to be addressed.  It states “The shamelessness of the Obama position is shameless almost beyond the human capacity to comprehend. While trying to scare American women into believing that the evil Republicans are going to force them into become barefoot and pregnant, the White House proposes to help an Islamist terrorist group do far worse to Egyptian women.  The imposition of Sharia Law in Egypt will make women in that country no better than chattel, discriminated against by both law and religious custom. Under the previous regime, as oppressive as it was in some ways, Egyptian women had some measure of equality. Now they are being subjected to "virginity tests," for which an Egyptian doctor was recently acquitted in a controversial ruling, according to USA Today. 

The first part of this which I take offense to is the phrase “While trying to scare American women into believing that the evil Republicans are going to force them into become barefoot and pregnant”  One must ask themselves, if women are denied the right to contraception excluding for health reasons but for none other than to plan the size of family that she can afford to care for, then the only way for the birth rate to not explode is to abstain from having sex.  How realist is that?  The second is the disdain that this author appears to feel toward discrimination of the Egyptian women exercised by the Muslim Brotherhood and the invasion of their personal freedom with those “virginity tests”.  While I can do no more than to agree with this and support his stance as much as humanly possible, I still find it quite concerning that he seems to not carry as much disdain for the recent laws passed or attempted.  I speak to bills like the Blunt-Rubio Amendment which was not only going to remove the choice from women but was going to allow business owners to decide what kind of health insurance that their female workers deserved.  We have yet to mention those Republican lawmakers who have promoted circumventing the Lily Ledbetter Act or where women are to be subjected to “legal rape” in their doctor’s office by these vaginal ultrasound laws.

While I truly enjoyed reading Mr. Whittington’s article and think that he really does have good points and things that the Obama Administration needs to look into carefully, I still must maintain my over-all stance that not all is perfect and to look at one side without also spending as much time to examine the other is also referred to as hypocrisy.  We are all guilty of that sometimes but what separates us is the actions we take of choose not to take when it is brought to our attention.


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