Conservatives are getting a bad name through no fault of their own.
There used
to be a time when being conservative was a good thing. It was a time when you never rushed into
anything and was quite detailed in your decision making. You would not seek to waste anything
including opportunity but that was before others decided to redefine the term
and tag others, especially Republicans, with it.
Here are
just a few examples of those labeled conservative and how they are truly not
and giving those of us who are a very bad name.
Take for example this story titled “Federal
Appeals Court Judge Said Blacks, Hispanics ‘Predisposed to Crime,’ Lawsuit
Alleges” by Nicole Flatow. It is
written “Chief Judge Edith Jones, a federal judge who, until recently, led what
are arguably the nation’s most conservative federal appeals court said blacks
and Hispanics are more prone to commit crimes, according to a lawsuit filed
this week. Although the remarks by U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
Judge Edith Jones were not recorded, five students and one attorney who
attended a February event at the University of Pennsylvania law school signed
affidavits attesting to what she said that day, the Associated Press reports.” This kind of “loose lips” is not the talk of
true conservatism. Many conservatives
are blacks and Hispanics and are not more prone to commit crimes. I, for one, do not care for this description
and yes I am quite offended by it, but make no mistake, I am not a Republican.
I make that
proclamation in order to turn your attention to the next example reported by Zoe
Schlanger in the article titled “GOP
Rep: Obama Is a Vengeful Liar with No Moral Compass”. In this video it is shown that “Oklahoma Rep.
Jim Bridenstine (R) took to the House floor on Monday with a speech blasting
President Barack Obama as a vengeful liar who is "not fit to lead." Vice President Joe Biden is also not a viable
alternative; Bridestine laments, and is "even more embarrassing" than
the president.” “Last month, Bridenstine
gave a speech on the House floor ripping the "intolerant Left" for
forcing the "sexual morality" out of the Boy Scouts, Towler Road
reported.” They call him a conservative but a true
conservative really do believe in holding one responsible for not only their rhetoric
but their actions. We believe that every
person is the only person smart enough to decide what to do with their bodies,
what to think and how to act. We know
that even though government is able to make laws, a true conservative believes
that it is still the choice of each and every one of us as individuals to
follow those rules but stand accountable when their beliefs differ from the
spirit of the law.
All of us
need to re-examine the definition of conservatism. To say that all conservatives feel the exact
same way as those mentioned above as well as the numerous “loud mouths” that
spew hate, racism and arcane thinking is to paint us all with a very large
brush. We are not the same, we are
free-thinkers and do not follow one party or the other like blind sheep. Conservatives stand on their own so do not be
surprised if the person you enjoy speaking to, debating with or just love being
around, may vote Democrat or Independent but strongly and permanently
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