Edward Snowden is no Hero
The number
one question is all of media centers around Edward Snowden who some say,
bravely risk his life to bring us this revelation that our government has been
spying on us in a most horrendous way.
The question of hero or traitor is being banned about like a tennis ball
with each side presenting their takes and depending on whom you talk to or who
is interviewed, one may walk away wishing to believe each separately. News flash, Edward Snowden is no hero.
Check you
history America before you go tagging Mr. Snowden with the title of hero. My fellow military members are heroes. Firefighters, police officers, teachers,
whistleblowers-on occasion, employers, employees, single moms and dads, unselfish
givers and activists are but a few examples of heroes and Edward Snowden is
nothing like any of them. You see, heroes
run toward the battle not away from it. Heroes
stand up and make attempts at fixing the problem; they do not sneak or sell
their knowledge to the highest bidder to hand over information to aid the enemy
of their country in any way shape or form.
The police
and firefighters rushed into burning buildings to save lives on 9-11, they died
doing their job, and Edward Snowden is still alive and hiding. If that is going to be the newest definition
of what a hero is then should it not also be leveled at Osama bin Laden? I mean he helped planned 9-11 then ran and
hide. How about Sadam? He was found hiding in a hole. Our military is full of heroes because they
put their lives on the line every day to defend our freedoms but they do it in
full view of their enemy and not from some dark corner. . Mr.
Snowden said he wanted to join the military to serve his country in Iraq but he
joined the reserves. I think if one
really wants to serve his/her country they would attempt first to join the
active military, but then I could be wrong.
We demean these and other true heroes when we tag Mr. Snowden with this
earned title.
Media wants
to call him a hero because he has made their jobs easier because he gave them
documents that they did not have the smarts to collect themselves. Here is how it supposed to happen if you wish
to tag anyone with the label hero. See
something wrong, gather the proof you need, and then give those committing the
act an opportunity to correct the problem.
If the problem is not corrected then and only then does you leak the
information but after the leak you do not run and hide but stand firm and
strong. Check this definition against
the actions of Mr. Snowden then tell me, you still consider him a hero. Media calls him a hero yet just the other
day they were all upset about this AP story thing and defended their position
by saying that the Justice Department should have given the AP the opportunity
to turn over the records. Did Mr.
Snowden give this government time to come clean about this program or fix the
problem before he leaked and trying to compare him to Bradley Manning is a joke? Bradley Manning did not run and bravely faces
the charges against him every day.
Within this
story is another lesson that is surely getting lost among the thorns and
weeds. This story proves that all
parents, guardians and caretakers need to make it a priority to push their
children to do nothing less than graduate high school. Check the history on this as well. Find me a person who did not finish high
school and you will find a self-starter/self-motivator or one who quits
everything. Sometimes we surely cannot
see the forest for the trees.
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