God’s New Message to the Masses

There is a very large part of the Christian movement which seems satisfied to remain in their current positions where they use both sides of the Bible to make their points and clarify their points of view about proper way to act and to serve God.  It is this that I wish to speak to all of you about and yes, it may appear controversial to some.  The purpose of this conversation is not to produce controversy but to expand our minds and attempt to make us the kind of opened and honest Christian God wishes us to be.  We were made in his image so I believe that our faith should be boundless as the celestial stars and not held bounded by to this earth.  We need to look beyond our natural horizons to see the vision that God has prepared for us.  Some may think that we have already reached the “promised land” but I believe that the promise land is still some distance off and to reach it, we must expand not our bounders but our heart, soul and minds.

Let’s began by defining a few things first.  The Pharisees and religious leaders who orchestrated the killing of Christ used as their justification his sin of violation of Moses’ laws.  Now before you draw your conclusions strictly from that let me explain something.  In the beginning there was the word and he word was God.  If you believe this then think that so did those who killed his son.  Imagine that the only guide to God’s love and salvation was the Old Testament of which the majority of those books were written by Moses.  Because Moses was the primary figure and wrote the majority of that guide, they were not called the laws of God but the laws of Moses.  This will become ever so clear as we get further into this discussion.

The believers felt very strong about this guide and spent much of their energy attempting to insure that all of God’s children not only knew the rules but obeyed them, so when Jesus came along with a different slant they became suspicious.  Many relied heavily upon the laws of Moses to check and verify anything Jesus said and all that he did.  Because what Jesus was saying, frightened them and was making corrections to what they had been teaching, undermining their authority, they became quite bitter and when the decision was made to kill him, nothing else would do.  They succeeded in their quest but not because they knew better or was smarter or greater than God himself but simply because it had already been written by none other than Moses himself that this would happen.  Could this have been stopped and the journey of Jesus changed, no because the journey of Jesus was the will of God and as 2nd Corinthians Chapter 7 verse 10 tells us “For God sometimes uses sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin.  This was the purpose of Jesus’ visit to this earth and it had been God’s intention to allow his blood to wash away our sins and create another convent that supersedes that past convent presented to them by Moses.

That’s right, Moses presented the Old Testament as the first convent between God and his people and because so many of God’s children were being lost, He send his only son to change that and provide us a newer, better way to reach the promise land.  Through the blood of Jesus and by his words, with the faith of a mustard seed we were granted a reprieve.  This way is called the new convent, the Good News or more commonly the New Testament.


In the New Testament even Moses was aware of the coming of Jesus and clearly told all willing to hear that another shall come after me with more authority and his words should be heeded.  Romans Chapter 10 verse 5 tells us that “For Moses writes that the law’s way of making a person right with God requires obedience to all of its commands.” Now at that time many were thinking, that he meant the ten commandments and with that I must agree but Romans Chapter 13 verse 9 tells us that  “These and other such commandments are summed up in this one commandment, Love thy neighbor as yourself.” Which is what Jesus tells us from his own mouth so instead of concentrating on the ten, all we need to do is concentrate on this one.  But some religious leaders and experts today still cling to the old convent and preach fire and brimstone if not complied with.  This is where we part ways.  Back in the day, those who did not know relied on the Old Testament to guide their way and they were right to do so but today we know better because we have the New Testament and it is filled with the words of God’s only son Jesus Christ who carries more authority than Moses ever could.  So which one shall we listen to?  That choice is yours but hiding behind the Old Testament because it fits your personality better will be no excuse come judgment day.  For those who step out and up as we are doing now, to bring to this current world the real Good News and present it as our new roadmap to salvation, we will face the same hostilities, anger and peril as those who preached and taught the Good News before.  We must now turn from the so-called laws of Moses and turn to, teach from and live by the New Testament if we ever wish to reach that Promised Land.

The laws of Moses gave us judges who were supposed to be the ultimate decision between good and evil only they became corrupt and began to use their own ideas as a preference to who is worthy of God’s love and who should be ignored.  The New Testament says in Roman Chapter 14 verse 4 “They are responsible to the Lord, so let him judge them.” Meaning we are not judge and jury but human and instead of standing in judgment of another, we should find comfort in the fact that we all will fail from time to time but God’s love will never ever forsake us.  So you can continue to look for another human to provide judgment and forgive your sins but don’t claim you were not informed or did not know that this was not the way come judgment day.

The Old Testament or Laws of Moses tells us “an eye for an eye” which means that if you are wronged by another, you can take vengeance upon them and not offend the Lord our God but the New Testament says in Romans Chapter 12 verses 17 “Never pay back evil with evil and never take revenge, leave that to God, Bless those who persecute you, don’t curse them, pray that God will bless them.”  Now you know exactly how to handle anyone who wrongs you so now taking revenge will no longer be viewed on judgment day as a valid excuse by anyone of us. 

The laws of Moses interpretations have all of us believing that the Sabbath is on a Sunday but the New testament in Luke 23 verse 50 says “Joseph took the body of Jesus down from the cross, wrapped it in linen and laid it in a tomb that he had built, this was late Friday.  Also consider the same chapter verses 55-56 which tells us that “women followed Joseph to find out where Jesus body was laid, went back home to prepare spices to anoint the body but rested as required by law because the Sabbath had begun.”  To further illustrate this point, Luke Chapter 24 verse 1-4 tells us that it was very early on Sunday morning when the ladies went back to the tomb only to discovered that Jesus had risen.  Based on all this, can we now surmise that the Sabbath is on Saturday not Sunday.  But what this may really mean to all of us that since we may not be able to agree would it then not be a better idea to treat every day as if it is the Sabbath?

In the Old Testament we learned that tithing is a tenth of what some believe is your earning and to the multitude it means money.  So we have come to believe that the giving of money is a way to repent of our sins and show God how much we really love him but the New Testament in Luke Chapter 20 verse 23-25 hears Jesus telling those religious leaders and experts to look at that money and tell him whose face is on it.  Then he tells them to give unto to Caesar that which is Caesar and gives unto God all that is God’s.  Even though “In God We Trust” may appear on all forms of currency, his picture does not, so is money really the answer?  Not according to Luke Chapter 3 verse 8 of the New Testament “Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God”.  Simply put, money will never buy your salvation.

So I say to you today’s religious leaders and experts the same thing that Jesus told the Pharisees and religious leaders of old as found in Luke Chapter 11 verse 52 teaching the old ways means you are keeping yourself and so many others out of heaven by hiding the key.  The key is found in Acts Chapter 21 the last part of verse 20 “they follow the laws of Moses very seriously.”  The Law of Moses does not and never will trump the word of God’s only son.  The convent presented by Moses was prefect then but should not apply to how we conduct ourselves today.  With the flood in Noah’s day washed away the old convent and with the crucifixion of Jesus came the new convent.  This is my charge that I have accepted to bring to all those who wish to listen.  I am prepared to meet you whenever and where ever you choose and I fear not anything that shall befall me in this quest.  I fear not injury, harm or even death because as 1st Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 36 promises that “when you put a seed into the ground, it doesn’t grow into a plant unless it dies first but mostly because verse 38 tells me that “then God gives it the new body he wants it to have.”  I stand ready, willing and able to deliver this message, are you ready, willing and able to receive it?  You can contact us by email at mannslogistics@gmail.com.



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