The Journey of a Tea Partier

In the beginning there were the Tea Party and it was good.  It was formed by Americans who felt that Washington was catering too much toward the rich and wealthy like Wall Street instead of focusing on the needs of Main Street.  The purpose was to follow the line of then candidate Barack Obama to keep his feet to the fire on the things that the average American needed. 

Only after big money teased us with the open road to get our message to those who needed to hear it, then the bottom began to fall out of this movement.  It morphed into an extreme group concerned with reverting back to the time where the color of a person’s skin was more important than this nation as a whole.  A party were many preached “America First” in the beginning but quickly switched to taking away the legal right of a woman to choice, taking away the legal right to vote, pushing an agenda that does not truly reflect this nation and spewing pure hatred of a president based not on what he has done but what they think he will do.

Many who first welcomed this movement is now disappointed in its direction and are now minimizing this rabid group of Americans who say that they speak for us when they only speak for themselves.  This party which had an opportunity to grow into a very large majority has now been reduced to less than one percent.  The over-taking of this party has killed the desire by those in the beginning to feel that their voices really did matter and disenfranchised them.  We see this party now as just another mob that now pay people to speak the way they want them to instead of them speaking for those they claim to represent and support.  This is a sad day but as with all sad days, the sun will rise again and so will the people.


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