What if Christopher Columbus didn’t Discover America

I have been accused of many things, some of which I am completely guilty of and others that was just accusations from those that were frighten of or by me.  One of the most likable terms used to describe me was “simplistic” and while it may be offensive to others it is a nice title to me.  Having said all that, here is some other things that has occurred to me in my simplistic little mind lately that I would like to share.

What if I told you that Christopher Columbus did not discover the New World?  What if I told you that Amerigo Vespucci stumbled upon the new world while out trying to make a name for himself.   I say he stumbled upon the New World made it back as far as England and since he could not draw maps, he enlisted the aid of mapmakers who either was Columbus or someone close to him.  Those maps or ideas of maps were then presented to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella by Columbus because of his ties to them.  They leaped at the chance of expanding British territories since it was the most powerful nation in the world at that time.  I say since Vespucci was a Spaniard and England wanted the credit, Columbus was allowed to voyage out and Vespucci was left hanging.  He was never to be mentioned for that reason and or because he was not Caucasian or ran in the same circles as Columbus.  I say that the now known pilgrims heard this and were so upset with the slight of Vespucci that they decided to leave, find this New World, form their own nation and name it the United States of America instead of the United States of Columbus or the United States of Christopher.  Just a thought but explains why we now should question everything if for no other reason than to gain knowledge that we did not have prior.

Another thought that deserves some serious consideration.  Many people now are using the Muslim name “A la”, which is supposed to be the name of their God, as a bad thing.  It’s becoming a standard by which we judge people especially of the Muslim faith.  It’s as if our God is the only one and is much better than any other faiths deity.  We have even gone as far as to disparage those who began to worship Buddha to ignore their teachings and follow ours as if ours is the only way to get to heaven or the Promised Land.  But what if I told you that all these people are the same?  What if A la, Buddha, Jehovah and God are one and the same being called by a different name but if you closely follow these religions, you will find them almost identical which is not by coincidence.

The Mayans prayed to the Sun God Ra and sacrificed to him as proof of their loyalty and love, so did those who followed all others Gods to follow.  Remember our Bible tells us that in the beginning there was the word and the word was God, so it will appear that there were none other like him anywhere.  We were all, including the Muslims and Mayans, made in his image so what makes us any different than those we choose to castigate?   Just take a few minutes to consider that the God we say is omnipotent and omnipresent is the very same one sought after by those before us.  Greeks called them Zeus and had separate Gods for separate reasons or events but what if they were all one God and he’s the same God we as Christians pray to today.  Does that not make anyone in any religion just as special as we think we are?  Just a thought, it’s time to question everything.


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