How to Deal with today’s Era Police
all of the stories about police brutality, many wonder what can be done to stem
or even change this behavior. They often
times research the policies and procedures of police to find the answer but
sometimes the answer could be as plain as the nose on your face. Here is a suggestion for those who encounter
today’s era police where they are very much aware that nothing they do will
ever see the light of a court room.
Remember the old saying that you can catch more flies with honey than
you can with vinegar; well the same is true in this case. If you are a religious person, use the
lessons from the Bible when dealing with not only hostile and angry police but
any hostile or angry person.
humble, make your point but do not argue because you will not win. Officers have a catch-all crime that they can
use to charge you with and still keep themselves convinced that they did no
wrong. The charge is resisting arrest
coupled with assaulting an officer.
Remember the law says that if you place your hands on another person
that is considered assault so any physical contact between you and the officer
will be enough to have those without a spine in the district attorney’s office
to say they were justified.
need to say anything and don’t agree to or sign anything, just sit there and
keep record of all that they do and say.
This will help make your case stronger and better for when you find an
attorney and take them to court. If
these cities and states wish to go bankrupt because they do not wish to
properly train and implement better officers on the beat, then so be it. The quieter you are the less they can say you
said. To argue with police is madness
because whether you are in the right or not, there will be more statements
filed against you for no other reason than the thin blue line. Your answers to their questions should always
be short and sweet, no more, no less.
Keep respectful no matter how disrespectful you feel that they are. Never let anyone or anything make you into
someone you are not. Maintain your right
for counsel and keep asking for your attorney.
Interviews must be taped and eventually someone will tape your
conversation with the police, if you continue to ask for a lawyer then you will
pave the way for a positive judgment in your favor later and what better way to
win than to beat your opponent at their own game.
knows, you might be surprised and find that one good cop that is on every watch
and in every precinct. That one good cop
who see you as more than just a thug, criminal or perp. That one good cop who steps up and stops the
bad ones from making more of a mess of their profession and making each and
every cop in each and every police station in the world look bad. To sop bad cops you are going to have to find
the good ones but often times we concentrate so much on the bad ones, the good
ones often times get over looked. They
are there, trust me on that, they just do not know how to correct the problem
from the inside or they have been fighting to do just that for so long, they
have given up. Restore their faith in
their profession and the faith we should have in those hired to serve and
protect. Restore it by not giving them
what they desire, a loud-mouth, angry and resistant person to bully.
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