Catholic Healthcare Lawsuit is a Farce

Yes, that’s right I said it and I will say it again.  I say it because it burns me up to think that an organization so revered and copied as the ultimate organization to provide unequivocal service to the poor and needy in any community from food banks to financial services and not to mentioned spiritual guidance would allow their name to be buried in nothing that has anything to do with their primary and initial purpose for existing.  Do not be fooled, it has nothing to do with religious freedom and everything to do with religion in politics.  It has taken the last great institution and turned it from the goodness spoke of in the Bible to a business.

When you hear freedom of religion, think about the purpose of that right granted in the US Constitution.  It is the freedom to worship as you see fit.  That means an individual can choose to take on the label of Catholic, Protestant, Baptist and yes even Atheist if they wish.  It means that no government has the authority to tell anyone which religion they can follow.  It does not mean that under the name of a religious organization can I establish a business and use the reputation, name and mystic of that name to avoid being obligated to my fellow citizens.  It does not mean that I can establish a business and use the policies of that religion to dictate to those who may not share my religious views how they will live their lives and what rules they must follow.

Many speak of the intent of the founders but very few every think about what that really mean especially if it does not match up with their individual interpretations.  The US Constitution was designed to provide citizens an iron-clad document against violation of their rights from government and any institution.  The founders created this document after escaping the very same depressing actions that the Catholic leaders are attempting to apply today.  It appears that they wish to expand the role of the church in everyday life but refuse to expand the role of individual rights and liberties.

Laws were made to protect the average citizen from the over-reach of government or any entity bent on controlling the free-will of a people.  Yet, women are still being barred from deciding what to do with tier own bodies and gays are forbidden to marry the person that they love.  This lawsuit is nothing about religious freedom and more about religious control.  Even Jesus compromised when he said “give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and give unto God that which is he’s”.


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