Democrats Fundraising on Rev. Wright are wrong
I do not consider myself a strong republican or Democrat nor do I conform to the rules and regulations of the Independent. What I do conform to is my own understanding of the issues which allows me to be able to disagree with any politician or pundit on any subject where I have disagreement. I do not pretend that I know everything nor do I claim ignorance of certain topics being discussed today. I do believe that as the title above states, democrats fundraising on the Rev. Wright revelation are wrong and here’s why.
According to George Stephanopoulos of ABC News in his article titled Nancy Pelosi Defends Dems Rev. Wright Fundraising Appeal it was reported that “House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi defended the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on "This Week" for sending a fundraising email that attempted to capitalize on the apparently dead advertising plan to link President Obama to Rev. Jeremiah Wright. "Why would we have any regrets?" asked Pelosi, dismissing Romney's rejection of the proposed advertising campaign. During our interview, Pelosi cited a previous attack by Romney on President Obama using Wright in which the former Bay State governor said "I'm not sure which is worse: him listening to Rev. Wright or him saying we must be a less-Christian nation" during an interview with Sean Hannity. When asked about these comments in light of the current controversy, Romney stood by them even as he admitted he could not recall exactly what he said.” It appears that their justification is the need to raise money to combat these types of attacks since it is believed that this will find its way on the air and others like it will soon follow.
While this may make sense in the smaller concept, it flies in the face of the larger one. Just because some people you work with or engage with, feels it’s necessary to dive off a bridge, does not mean you have to as well. Do you really need to fundraise of this, no because those who hear it will donate more completely on their own without prodding from you or anyone else? Any campaigns goal is to get their message out to as many voters as possible and not totally to those that are already strongly supporting them. It is to get that message out to those who lends a kind ear to what they have to say in hopes of getting them to pledge their strong support. Democrats need to stay very focus on the issues that are quite stark in contrast to those of their opponents and to continue to hammer home the opponent’s record. Republicans need to do the same thing and cease speaking to those in their own backyard. The failure of this by either campaign is what will sink them and not some old drawn out exhausted deal about Rev. Wright, religion or a birth certificate.
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