Is Mia Love Republican of Utah the GOP Extremely Literate Conservative African-American

Well lookie here, the GOP may have finally found it’s “extremely literate conservative African-American.  Who says that wishes do not come true?

According to Jonathan Karl of ABC News in his series Spinners and Winners he profile Mia Love of Utah as a New Kind of Republican?   He reports that “Mia Love is unlike any Congressional candidate ever -- she is African-American, she is Mormon, and she is conservative. Republicans have deemed her race in Utah's newly drawn 4th district one of the top ten most important races in the country, vowing to spare no expense to get her to Congress. If she wins, Love would be the first black Republican woman ever elected to the House of Representatives.”  Her major concerns as reported in the piece is debt and deficit and do not see any need to raise taxes even though it was pointed out in the interview that she did raise property taxes while serving as mayor. 

My only wish was that while she was so visible and willing to repeat GOP talking points, Mr. Karl would have asked her if she supported the Paul Ryan Tax Plan, the consistent abortion bills, contraception laws and voter ID laws that her party is pushing in the states and attempted in Washington.  We did hear that she wished not to offer an opinion on the Orrin Hatch Controversy but it would have been nice to hear what she had to say on the rest.  While I am al for history and her being the first would be worthy of celebration not only in the African-American community but by this nation as a whole, refusing to display even a little backbone now does worry me.  We’ve seen what happens when Republicans stand on convictions when they differ from those currently running the party now and she may already be aware of her place if she makes it.  I personally long for that day when a Republican of any color finally steps up and stands up for Country First instead of just using it as a campaign slogan.  Maybe my wish will finally come true too.


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