Does Zimmerman Medical Report support his claim of Self-Defense?

According to Matt Gutman and Seni Tienabeso of ABC News has inked an article titled ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations after Trayvon Martin Shooting
In which they report that “a medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation.   Zimmerman has claimed self defense in what he described as a life and death struggle that Martin initiated by accosting him, punching him in the face, then repeatedly bashing his head into the pavement.”  The only problem that I see after reading this article is how Zimmerman claim Martin accosted him while the evidence proves the opposite.

I also find myself questioning this report mainly because it was revealed that the purpose of his visit was documented as “Zimmerman sought an appointment to get legal clearance to return to work.”  It was also done “the morning after the shooting.”   More question arises when it is also learned that “prior to the shooting Zimmerman had been prescribed Adderall and Temazepam, medications that can cause side effects such as agitation and mood swings, but in fewer than 10 percent of patients, Zimmerman declined hospitalization the night of the shooting, he was not diagnosed with a concussion and declined the advice of his doctor to make a follow-up appointment with an ear nose and throat doctor.”

While this “three-page medical report” may bolster Zimmerman’s self-defense claim, it may never explain what he expected Trayvon Martin to do when he tracked him, stalked him, approached him and probably attempted to demand certain particular actions from him.  If Trayvon felt his life was in danger, it should have been expected that he would also defend himself.  Experts say that we are all equipped with a fight or flight choice and if Trayvon lost him once he had already exercised his flight option and was left with only one.


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