Open Letter to Emergency Room
Dear Rockford Health Physicians
ROCKFORD, IL- After coming to you in hopes that you would be able to help me understand my physical pain and especially with my second trip which manifested itself into such a severe headache that I felt my head was going to explode. It appeared that many there were much more concerned with whether I had any insurance than what was going on. They asked the questions but never stood still long enough to receive the answers except for one. Since you appeared to be just as complexes and stumped as I were as to the cause of my suffering, my insistence for an MRI was honored and to my relief there were no bleeding in the brain or busted vessels. As with the first visit, you subscribed strong headache medication well outside of my affordability range and sent me on my way. I left there not feeling satisfied but feeling more like some product on a conveyor belt. It seemed that you were more concerned with getting us in and out instead of getting a solution to the problem.
You may be interested to know that the culprit of my many months of suffering was recently discovered and its name is BLACK MOLD. You see instead of making every attempt to diagnose my issue, you concentrated more on medical reason for my pain instead of environmental also. But because I believe everything happens for a reason and many times our suffering can reveal a much larger purpose than that of just one. I now have a valid warning to all who may be living in a home or apartment that has “high moisture or humidity from water damage, leaks, condensation or flooding.” (Catherine Henderson, eHow, Black Mold Illness Symptoms )
My request is to make every attempt to fix the problem quickly and if you are renting from a landlord that places you and the health of your family on a lower scale, contact your local Health Department and remove yourself from that place as quickly as you can. For me black mold caused suffering of severe headaches, for my mother it caused constant fatigue and with her diabetes serious swelling of her extremities. For my niece and nephew it had little effect because they were not exposed as my mother and me but it even affected my nephew’s dog respiratory system. Black mold is no joke and you should never gamble with trying to live among it. The loss of personal items to black mold like furniture, clothing and memorabilia was nothing to the cost of losing a life.
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