Chicago Cubs owner plan a “death-nail” for Romney
"Joe Ricketts is prepared to spend significant resources in the 2012 election in both the presidential race and congressional races," Brian Baker, the super PAC's president, told the Times. "He is very concerned about the future direction of the country and plans to take a stand." Remember this statement because if this continues to be any part of the line of attack against President Obama, he will defy Mitch McConnell and get his second term.
This quote was taken from an article written by Dylan Stableford for Yahoo News titled Super PAC plans to attack Obama’s ties to Rev. Jeremiah Wright. The article further reported that “a conservative super PAC is considering an advertising plan to attack President Obama's ties to Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., his controversial former spiritual advisor, and "do what John McCain would not let us do" during the 2008 presidential campaign. Chicago Cubs billionaire owner Joe Ricketts commissioned the $10 million plan, know as "The Defeat of Barack Hussein Obama: The Ricketts Plan to End His Spending for Good." The strategy is one of several being considered by the Ending Spending Action Fund super PAC. According to a copy of the plan obtained by the New York Times, the group wants to expose the ties between President Obama--who is referred to as a "metro sexual, black Abe Lincoln"--and Wright's "black liberation theology." Ricketts' plan includes "preparations for how to respond to the charges of race-baiting," according to the paper and goes as far as suggesting the hiring of an "extremely literate conservative African-American" spokesman. It also refers to an apparent ad featuring Wright that was produced for McCain's 2008 campaign but never aired. "If the nation had seen that ad," Ricketts writes, "they'd never have elected Barack Obama."
Now if this is what we have come to, it may work well with those who are already solidly in your camp but not those Romney would need to win the White House. It has been proven time and again that personal attacks will only force people to stay home and even though that may give you the result you desire, it does not support a winning campaign. In these days, however, personal attacks in the general election will backfire and those Reagan Democrats and Independents who may be dishearten by Obama’s policies so far will not come over. Instead they will move closer to the Obama camp which is not the result this Super PAC seeks. It is okay to disagree with the Obama Administration and if you can put forth a better proposal where better results are clear to see, then you win but to insert consistent lies or take this election down a messy path you lose. Voters are bone-tired of this slimy, back-biting campaigning and contrary to the experts, dirty tactics does not work unless you count making those who want to vote decide to just stay home because there is no clear choices.
UPDATE: MSNBC reports that Joe Ricketts has just released a statement denying any involvement with this story.
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