Washington Mudslide reveals yet another Tragedy.

The news is filled with stories about the mudslide that claimed at least 25 people so far with about 90 more missing and while it is a somber time for those family members of those lost in this tragedy, it has also revealed another side of the news gathering community that shows us glimpse of another tragedy still being played out in the world today.

Losing a loved one in any fashion is heart-breaking even to those who are far removed from the situation and if never experienced can never be properly explained.  From the mudslide in Washington State to the disappearance of the Malaysian Flight, nothing can compare to devastation like that.    Instead of waiting until all the bodies were recovered or giving many the proper time to grieve there are reports about someone failure to warn those who built near this area.  Instead of listing more about the coming together of a community which can be found in a  Tribune wire report stating “The deeply traumatized people of the area rallied round to comfort the bereaved and support rescue crews, stores in nearby Arlington put up hand-painted signs calling for solidarity and donations, Boy Scouts collected food outside a market, and a bowling league offered tournament prize money to relief efforts, about 40 people in Darrington sorted water, food, diapers and other supplies for families forced out of their homes, construction worker Steve Findley cooked breakfast for dozens of residents inside an Arlington middle school that the American Red Cross had transformed into a temporary shelter and President Barack Obama has signed an emergency declaration ordering U.S. government assistance to supplement state and local relief efforts resulting in a local disaster relief account had nearly $50,000 in it by Thursday”.

The news is now being filled with the failure of government or the fault of someone who allowed them to build there.  This is the other tragedy that I am speaking about.  Our focus has gone from those struck by this tragedy to those we can find to hold accountable and whose fault it is.  Some are beginning to look to whom they can sue to recover instead of using that energy to find those still lost.  It’s a sad commentary about our state of affairs when immediately we go to money instead of stretching out our hearts and arms to those in pain.  My stance on the subject is before we look to the courts to determine how much, if any money is awarded to the families, let’s first make them whole by finding their loved ones if possible.  Then we must also look at this entire travesty in a completely clear light and place the blame equally on those who have earned it.

Yes, maybe the permits to build were not explained clearly to those who built but also remember that if any government official tried to prevent those who wanted to build, would that government official been hauled into court siting violation of that builder’s civil rights.  I mean, think about it, would those who really want to build be stopped by any rule or regulation?  Memory brings me back to a gentleman name Truman who was order to leave before but refused.  He refused to leave and no one was able to make him, now he is dead and to whom shall we chase down to hold responsible for the choice he made.  If proper warning was not given to builders then yes, those who failed should be held responsible but if the choice was the builder and theirs alone then we should honor their wishes by sadly accepting the outcome, but then this is just my opinion and I could be wrong.


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