Consenting Adults and a Jilted Lover does not Sexual Assault Make

During a three-year span, Brigadier General Jeffery Sinclair and his partner, a female Army Captain, carried on an affair with total disregards for the feelings and position he was putting his wife in and the damage they both were doing to the reputation of the United States Army as well as the over-all Armed Forces. 

What this clandestine relationship did manage to bring to the surface was the same sad predicament all those who choose to cheat run into.  All the cloak and dagger, hiding in the shadows actions and being so very careful so that no one finds out, might have been fun in the beginning but like all things bad, nothing good emerges.  The trust that was once essential to the longevity of Sinclair’s relationship with his wife has now been torn asunder all because he could not be trusted to keep his eyes on his own paper, his hands to himself and his member in his pants.  Now all those years dedicated to him by his scorned wife seems wasted to her but the really uncaring thing about this is the accuser was not the only woman General Sinclair could not keep his mitts off.

Now don’t get it twisted, his partner is just as scandalous and uncaring as he is because she knew he was married but didn’t care.  She knew that he had promised his heart and soul to another but was so blinded by her own ambitions that she vowed to do whatever it took to advance even if it meant sleeping with married men.  The truly sad part is this same lady may one day birth a female child and it would be hoot to hear what advise she would give her daughter in this kind of situation not to mention the years she has just sat back the march of women who have been trying to gain equal footing and be seen as a peer to their male counterparts.

I found myself agreeing with the some of what General Sinclair’s defense team says in an article titled “Defense: Sex assault charges dropped in brigadier general's court-martialby Marlena Baldacci and Eliott C. McLaughlin for CNN.  It reports that “Defense attorney Richard Scheff applauded the decision while attacking the Pentagon, for interfering in the case, and Sinclair's accuser, an Army captain as a jilted lover who was upset that the general wouldn't leave his wife.  "After wasting millions of taxpayer dollars, the Army finally admitted what it's known for many months: General Sinclair is innocent of sexual assault.”  Yes, I too am convinced that General Sinclair is innocent of sexual assault but I cannot agree with Mr. Scheff conclusion regarding “his remarks, saying that the "reputational and financial costs" Sinclair has suffered because of "false rape allegations" should be factored into his sentencing nor can I agree with him saying “Sinclair has admitted to mistakes that are normally a matter between husbands and wives, or employees and HR departments”.

I find these surmation hard to swallow because Sinclair’s reputation and financial costs should have been considered before he even approached one other woman besides his wife about any kind of relationship.  I see him as not suffering from those rape allegations but suffering as he should have for not only disappointing his wife by his actions but the entire U.S. Armed Forces.  I see General Sinclair not making a mistake that are normally a matter between a husband and wife or employees and HR departments because Mr. Sinclair was a highly ranked military officer and with that comes great responsibility.  A responsibility to conduct themselves as a officer and a gentleman and neither would do this kind of damage to people, an organization and a nation they claim to love.

Both Brigadier General Sinclair and his partners including the accuser should be stripped of their rank, reduced to onion peeler and drummed out of the service for the damage that their selfish actions has caused but he should have never been even considered in sexual assault.


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