This cannot be the New Face of the GOP, or is it
Not much offends me these days because so much is
happening that one cannot afford to get caught up in all this unnecessary drama
but when I read certain articles and view comments, I do acquire a few
questions here and there. Much of the time I just either ask them quietly to myself,
send a silent message to God to help me understand or just shake my heads and
thank God that I do not and did not spread this type of hate to my
children. This time is different because
now I feel that these questions needs answers from those who hide behind the anonymity
of the internet or are comforted by money and allow these harmful acts to
continue. I say harmful but not to this
nation as much as it is towards family, friends and loved ones who refuse to
see the goodness in all for the sake of just belonging.
I came to this decision after reading this post on
Facebook by someone perpetuating the “GOPUSA”.
They posted this article “It's Time for Another Expensive Obama Family
World Tour” By Chicago Tribune March 4, 2014. Now the article itself was not a
bad article, it chronicled the possible itinerary of the First lady Michelle
Obama’s trip to China. I though the
overall article was pretty well-written and appeared non-partisan except for
the title but many of us know it was probably designed just to capture our
attention and make us read it. The thing
that bothered me was the comment from members or followers of this GOPUSA. Examples are below;
- · Comment by squeak --They are laughing at us while spending OUR MONEY… YES, they have gotten a rise out of us, but that is NOT ENOUGH, take action, show them how much we HATE How, What has TRANSPIRED to OUR GREAT COUNTRY, CONSTITUTION, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
- · Comment by hanginjudge--Must we always be affronted by the photo of this hideous walrus undulating down the steps of our plane on her way to the next vacation?
- · Comment by vietnamvet--What they are is a pair of hobos who have broken into somebody’s fully-stocked vacation home. Their intent is to use up as many of ‘the amenities’ as they possibly can before being discovered … and booted out.
- · Comment by wwilber--These people are no good for this country. They show their disregard for the American people. They are nothing but freeloaders.
- · Comment by jimr9--The US does not need this slob in shorts running around the US or other countries.
- · Comment by forlong --Why can’t she and her female tag-a-longs just go and stay there, I am tired of people saying how lovely, intelligent or anything nice about someone who just wants to enjoy herself with other people’s money or name( American ).Makes me sick.
These are but a few but I am sure you should get my
gist by now but for those who still reserve hope that this is just another
over-reaction, let’s hear more from these well -meaning and completely
misunderstood commenters hiding behind the user name squeak or oleteabag.
- · Comment by squeak--We MUST disregard that he is a Black Man…It is WHAT HE has done to this great USA, Black, Green, Blue, etc. , NOT the color as the Socialist Democrats & Obama want everyone to believe… Sick of the” afraid to do anything because of the color of his skin & what the Blacks will do, I say bring it on” …. it is time America, stand up to this Administration! God be with US!
- · Comment by oleteabag--It should not be about his color–and those of us who LOATHE him and his COMMUNIST policies do not do so because of his skin color, but because of his left-wing RADICAL politics. However, that said, this LIAR would not have got away with a TENTH of what he has done, if he were not black. Do you think a white man could stand up there and tell the outrageous LIES he tells and violate the Constitution the way he has? He would have been impeached in his FIRST term, if he were not black. He is HIDING behind that while he destroys our country.
- · Comment by squeak--This is UNBELIEVABLE, NOT ACCEPTABLE… This is OUR MONEY she is spending at her every WHIM…What the hell is our Politicians doing about these so called people that are running OUR Country, Constitution, etc. ? They are going for NO great reasons other then for their ENJOYMENT… STOP THESE ENEMIES WITHIN ALL you Politicians that were ELECTED to Protect this Country, Constitution & the American people ! POOR JOB SO FAR !
- · Comment by oleteabag--A the very LEAST, they should be declaring these employer-paid vacations as INCOME the way the tax code requires. Anybody want to take any bets on whether they followed THAT little part of the tax law? Obama only follows laws he likes, so . . . no. So on top of being world-class MOOCHERS, they are also TAX CHEATS.
This cannot be the majority of the GOP feelings or reaction
toward everyone right? I mean there has
got to be some who will have the backbone to tell these few to stop using their
party to hide behind and kick their sorry butts out of the dark and into the
light, right? Out of all of the comments
found attached to that article; there was only one that showed any sense of
true decency, Christian values and unselfishness.
- · Comment by rockyroad--Actually Laura Bush holds the record of most trips abroad among First Ladies. The former First Lady racked up a two-term total of 212 days abroad. Her second term included 135 days of international travel, which is more time than her husband, George W. Bush, spent abroad during the same time period! Mrs. Obama has spent 72 days abroad, 27 days without the president.
My questions are simple and should be easy to
answer. They come from the experience of
watching the KKK’s growth over time. I
can remember when the primary focus was keeping blacks from ever being more
than slaves but then they migrated and began to also focus on Jews, women and
anyone else who were not blond haired and blue eyed, but I digress. Here are my questions.
To those who sit idly by and allow these Rush
Limbaugh inspired groups to take up all of the oxygen in the room, what do you
think is going to happen to you when they get what they want and put all blacks
in their place? What will be your
protection after they have won the battle of walling off the ghetto and have no
one else to hate? Will you be able to
remind them that you made no noise and kept your mouth shut while they raised
all kinds of hell, will that stop them from building a wall to house you?
And for those misguided and misunderstood patriots
like squeak and oleteabag. What is it
about people who look, act or think differently than you that makes you believe
that you are better or that we only take and never make? What makes you worthy of a worry-free
existence while all those less than you get scraps?
And finally especially to squeak. What do you think those that you sound the
charge to attack are going to be doing while you are attacking? Back in the day, many of those you see as inferior
just ran and hide, hoping not to be discovered but this is not those days.
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