Another quiet victory for Obama in stem cell research funding
We are often times inundated with nothing but what people does wrong and seldom hear of the small but significant victories. This is one which sad to say, were not found in this nation’s news venues.
According to an unknown author in an article titled US stem cell research funding ban lifted by court, retrieved from, “The US Court of Appeals in Washington ruled 2-1 on Friday that a 1996 US law against federal funding of embryo destruction was "ambiguous", and "did not prohibit funding a research project in which an ESC (embryonic stem cell) will be used". This clears the way for more research into cures for such things as “treatments of spinal cord injuries and diseases including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's”, while the opposition deserves nothing less than to be heard and their views respected, it should come as no surprise that in this case the majority did rule.
Not every battle joined can be a “mission accomplished” but each and every one can be a reason to keep sharing, caring and listening to opposition if for no others reason than to possibly learn something. The real winners today are not Obama or any political party but patients and their families who will benefit from the research that they can now continue unabated. The joy and gratitude that will be seen in the faces of these individuals as they now have hope for a better future should be enough to give all human beings a feeling of satisfaction.
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