Will there soon be more of these types of federal charges on the rise
This article may be putting the cart before the horse but I think it‘s worth asking if these types of charges will become more famous with the cache of information gleamed from the assault on the Osama compound in Pakistan.
Truth be told in, the article by Rasha Madkour of the Associated Press titled Fla. imam, 2 sons charged with supporting Taliban reports that “U.S. Attorney Wifredo Ferrer said the investigation was sparked three years ago by suspicious financial activity and was not based on an undercover sting operation.
"This is based on the defendant's words, actions and records," Ferrer said at a news conference Saturday. The indictment recounts recorded conversations in which Hafiz Khan allegedly voices support for attacks on the Pakistani government and American troops in the region. The indictment lists about $50,000 in transactions. The funds were used to buy guns, support militants' families and promote the cause of the Pakistani Taliban, according to the indictment. It also alleges that Hafiz Khan owns a madrassa, or religious school, in his native Swat Valley in northwest Pakistan that shelters members of the Pakistani Taliban and trains children to become militants” and may not fit my story line.
It may take months and maybe years to go through all of the information they say was obtained from that raid but one has to wonder just how many people are sweating quite profusely right now. I hope that those major media centers are standing by with their Freedom of information Petitions just in case some very embarrassing information is discovered that blankets no only the Middle East but individuals from this country as well. Many say that sunlight is the best disinfectant; we may just get a really good chance of seeing if that is true.
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