Silence of the Females
I am perplexed by the lack of voices I hear from women when it comes to the war being waged against them by those state and federal leaders who are voting or have voted to limit and in some cases eliminate a woman’s right to choose.
I never thought it was possible to silence the new majority in America when it comes to women reproductive rights but apparently legislators in Republican controlled states as well as many now in Washington has been able to do so. Maybe because the women present in those chambers feel as though they are above the laws that they pass or the local and mainstream media feels that this subject is not news. I can’t seem to fathom how The Terminator’s love child is more of news than the laws being pushed and pass restricting women’s rights.
Was this what they also meant when they cried about taking their country back? Not back as in control as they may have once been but back to the stone ages where blacks and women were property instead of people. I am not sure that women of American are aware that silence and sitting on the sideline, while this is happening does not mean anything except acceptance. I raise my voice not because I want to win over the females of America but because it is my job as a “real” man to defend the women like my mother, wife and daughter. How about you?
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