The Common controversy is nothing but common for Fox News

Joe Pompeo penned an article titled How Fox News is fueling the Common non-controversy in which he reports that “It began with a single post on The Daily Caller, the first to draw attention to Common's participation in the poetry reading organized by First Lady Michelle Obama. The conservative website ignited the blaze by noting that the Chicago-born rapper--real name Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr--"is quite controversial, in part because his poetry includes threats to shoot police and at least one passage calling for the "burn[ing]" of then-President George W. Bush."  From there, the furor migrated over to the airwaves of Fox News, where the right-wing outrage of pundits like Sean Hannity helped fuel a vigorous churn of blog posts, online video embeds--and retorts from talking heads on the left, like Comedy Central host Jon Stewart.”

My only question is if this is all you have to keep your people heated about President Barack Obama, then you must be missing something.  There is so much more that you could be talking about.  He increased troops in Afghanistan, has yet to address immigration fully, seems to be avoiding addressing the need for more stricter bans on extended magazines, have not obtained a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine and so many other things that he has not done yet.  Surely one of these or others is much more important than who is invited to a poetry reading at the White House.  Who knows, if we all concentrate on the main issues more than on these sidebar items, we may just finally find the elusive answers to our major problems. 

This appears to be just like the birther issue.  Hot enough to draw in many of even those who chose to make it a state law in many of the states, but not hot enough to get the majority stressing.  Just when they thought that it was picking up steam, Obama threw very cold water on it by releasing the long form of his birth certificate which made those who came out of the woodwork, sneak back in.  Wonder what those states are going to do with that new law which was supposed to defeat Obama’s re-election plans and just how many will unintentionally get caught up in it?  Just a thought, I could be wrong.


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