Loud mouths to the left and right of me
There are times when those who complain about another tends to repeat those very same antics that they railed so viciously against. Case in point, Republicans take on “Obamacare” as “pulling the plug on grandma” only to now stand for a proposal that would completely change Medicare and Medicaid as we know it. This is now the same track that some on the left are following. Their take on bringing Osama bin Laden out of the compound alive when they were also the ones who kept implying that the Bush Administration wasn’t doing enough to bring bin Laden to justice. If media checks their past responses, they may be surprised to find them saying that the death of bin Laden would be a good thing. Now that this has come to pass, they are saying the exact opposite.
I do not know who appointed Laura Flanders, Michael Moore, Rosie O Donnell and others to be the Democratic spokespersons but they do not speak for me. I am quite content that Osama has been released from this world so that he is free now to haunt hell. The cause of the Navy Seals to access the situation and make a determination in half a second was just. To sit safely in your lounge chairs and question the intelligence of my fellow military members does not sit well with me. To say that these Seals were sent on a kill mission is sadly underestimating the difference a second can make between living and dying. They were sent on a mission to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and the result was his death, plain and simple.
Regarding the release of the photo, the “professional left” tends to forget the deaths caused by the burning of the Koran or the recruitment increase and the stigma left from treatment of those prisoners by those military prison guards. Having that photo released means that those who would exploit that photo will have to rely on the fake ones currently circulating instead of having a real one to photo shop. This photo can not be used as a poster child for al-Quada to proclaim an Islamic extremist holiday but maybe that’s really what the “professional left” want. Some members on a specific committee were given the option of viewing the photo and let it be known that the family of the fallen on 9/11 do have the opportunity to view the photo as well. Many of the family choose not to because they feel like they can trust their president to have done what he said. They do not require proof and maybe it’s time the “professional left” extended him the same courtesy. Stay tough on him to keep working to make America better but leave the second guessing to Fox News.
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