Media over plays the Obama – Netanyahu rift

Unlike this article by Bradley Klapper of the Associated Press titled Close attention to Obama's latest words on Israel in which he states that “President Barack Obama is trying to assuage some of America's fiercest supporters of Israel after he endorsed the Jewish nation's 1967 boundaries as the basis for a Palestinian state and clashed with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  He essentially stated what almost every observer assumed would have to be the border lines of a two-state solution, with mutually agreed adjustments.  Still, the change prompted bitter criticism from Netanyahu. And in a blunt display of differences, the two leaders openly disagreed after a Friday meeting at the White House,” many in the media made this disagreement out to be much more than it is.  Some “talking heads” called it throwing Israel under the bus while others called it dangerous.  None of these geniuses are privy to the information that President Obama has to make this assertion but that did not stop them nor the media from asking every single person that they could find that they were certain would have a negative opinion about it. The really said part about it is the media quoted Benjamin Netanyahu when he declared the 1967 boundaries never going to happen but they did not do as Mr. Klapper and report the below continuation of Mr. Netanyahu’s comment which can be found in this very same article.  "The disagreements have been blown way out of proportion," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told The Associated Press on Saturday. "It's true we have some differences of opinion, but these are among friends."

What does the rift really mean?  It means that you have two very strong protectors of their people challenging themselves and their staffs to tackle one of the most elusive prizes known to man.  Many others have tried and there have been some past presidents that would not have touched this with a ten-foot pole, but not these two leaders.  They will meet, argue and demand but neither will ever stop their undying support of the other.  For Israel, it’s more about giving up that which they have controlled for so long and has become the essence of its people.  For the United States its about honor, President Obama must appear  to be an honest broker of this peace and not seen as leaning to one side of the other.  While this will not be an easy task, especially to those who have an already existing dislike for this president, it is something that he takes seriously.  President Obama does not want or need Prime Minister Netanyahu to appear weak and a puppet to the United States because it will do more harm than good.  What he needs and want is an honest and frank discussion while respecting the American position of broker.

Imagine trying to remedy a situation with a party, depending on the unbiased judgment of an outside party only to find that outside party strongly influenced by the other side.  If America accomplishes nothing else, it needs to be seen as an honest broker and by requiring much from Palestine while requiring little from Israel does not display this.  Israel and America can yell at each other until the cows come home but neither Benjamin Netanyahu nor Barack Obama will allow anyone or any country to come between them.

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