My response to Professor Cornell West’s opinions expressed on The Ed Show
Professor West is a well known and respected fellow within not only the academic community but the African-American community as well. His opinions have been used by many as a guide to better living and attempts at positioning themselves for a better life. His knowledge and understanding of the issues are legendary and makes all of us regardless of community strive to measure up, but he is no Barack Obama.
Mr. West was reported as having some very negative things to say about President Obama and while some of his points were valid, his path to arrive at these points were so far off base that I had to watch the re-run of the Ed Show on MSNBC to make sure I heard hi right. The first time I heard some of what he admitted to saying, I thought that maybe he had been contracted by the republicans and Wall Street fat cats to create an imaginary divide within my African-American community. While it must be made extremely clear, that the African-American people are supportive we are not of one voice on any subject and feel most content to believe what we wish to believe and defend that which we believe deserves a defense.
Professor West’s comments, in my opinion, can not be defended. His take on this president doing nothing to help those in serious need is false and so false that even a few seconds researching what this president has accomplished in this time period would prove this. Professor West speaks about this president doing nothing and it begs to question that after three years in office what has he not done that would garner this type of petty criticism from such as highly respected man as Professor West. Could it be more about the rivalry between Princeton and Harvard or the fact that this president had a white mother?
President Obama has been in office for less than four years and Professor West has been prominent in the institutionalized arena for much longer. Compare the jobs Obama has created or saved to the jobs Professor West has. To sit back on your hands and wring them because things are not happening as you would like them too, does not by any stretch of the imagination make you an expert. You have to get in there and get busy as well. While I do not pretend to know as much as Professor West, I do know when I smell something more than constructive criticism and this recent rant of West smells extremely close to the later. Just my opinion and I could be wrong.
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