The difference between a “real” Christian and an “ideological” one
Real Christianity begins with the actual reading of the Bible instead of just listening to the interpretations given by those who see as knowledgeable. Jesus questioned his father when he was not sure of the actions he was instructed to take so we must question those whom we believe may have mastered the knowledge of the Bible and those we see as the head of our religious sect.
Ideological Christians only follow and apply the teachings of the Bible when they fit the lifestyles we want to live. If the lifestyle of another is not the lifestyle we choose for ourselves then we search the passages of the Bible to help us admonish that behavior. We ignore the passages of this same book when it contradicts or opposes our way of living. Ideological Christians hid behind the words of the Bible instead of reflect these words. We label ourselves as righteous even though we are very much aware that we are wrong. When we can not truly explain anything or any stance on a particular issue, we run to find bits and pieces written in the Bible to explain it for us. Ideological ask the questions but do not seek the answers.
Classic example of the differences between the “real” Christians and the ideological ones is this mortal attempting to predict the very thing even Jesus do not know and that is the end of the world. He takes certain passages in the Bible to back up his claim yet even after being wrong several times people still wish to follow his lead. That is what the Bible may have meant when it warns us of “false prophets”. Not even the angels and the son will know that hour of the day of Jesus’ return so how could a mere mortal know? Another classic example are those who gave up their worldly possession just a few hours prior to this proclaimed “end of the world” when it is not what is asked of us in the Bible. The words ask us to sacrifice daily and not hoard until the very last second. The Bible speaks about a camel having an easier time passing through the eye of a needle than a rich man has in getting into the kingdom of heaven. What this means to me is secure all that you need to live comfortably and anything more than that should be given to those with much less. This should also be done quietly because for all good deeds that you are applauded for on earth means no such acknowledgment for those same actions in heaven. This is just my opinion and I could be wrong.
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