The game of running for president
I have a hard time trying to understand how a party or person can espouse one particular belief in the primaries then switch positions when it comes to the general. Would it not seem hypocritical to everyone doing this when it would be just as easy as sticking to your platform all the way through both? To listen to the media, one would have to believe that any politician has to do this in order to get the nomination and survive. I think that the media is wrong about this and have been for so long.
I think that the media has been playing the voters as less than intelligent if they think that real Republicans, Democrats and Independents can not tell the difference between the two and refuse to settle for someone who say only what they think those near him want to hear. They want to hear clear ideas on where you think the country should be headed. They want clear and credible points and counterpoints to any argument contrary to what they believe. They want to hear what you have to really say, want you to say exactly what you mean and truly listen to their reasoning if they disagree. They can not get this if the politicians is pandering and saying what they think the voters in that particular area wants to hear just to get their votes.
By playing this game the media is allowing this right to be hijacked by those with the deeper pockets instead of those with the power to select and elect. Real Republicans will come home if they thought they had someone standing up for them and saying exactly what they mean. This maybe the one and only reason why Ron Paul has seen success in the multitude of runs he has made for the White House. According to Jay Root of the Associated Press in his article titled Tea party godfather Ron Paul running for president, what sets Ron Paul apart from the rest is better explained by this quote. "All the Republicans say we need to reduce spending," said Former Texas GOP gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina. "They talk about it, but they don't actually deliver on those promises. He's different."
What’s next is now many throw their hats into the ring, collects millions and millions of some people hard-earned money but never make it to the general election because they all are speaking out of both sides of their mouths. They spend so much time kissing butt to certain constituents that they put themselves in a non-winnable situation for the general election. After you have railed so viciously against women’s rights in the primary, how could you possibly now be for women’s rights when it comes to the general? I think the game has become just another opportunity to make millions of dollars doing nothing but pretending. For those who know that they do not have any kind of serious shot in a general election to waste the time effort and money of those who may really believe in what they say they stand for is wrong, but then that’s just my opinion and I could be the one whose wrong.
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